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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Day 1 - New Blog Year...


It's still early days, but so far 2024 has behaved.  My roomie & I are apprehensive about the coming days.  2023 was a train wreck & we need at least a "doesn't suck" year.   A good year seems like a big reach.  Just a year where we're not losing so many things, not so much breakage, stress, worry & free falling.  It felt like I could never get my footing last year.  I'd just get to a bit more solid ground & it'd crumble.  

I don't think I can handle another year of that.  2023 left me exhausted.  I felt angry, scared & hurt.  The problem for most of our issues last year is that none it was our doing.  We did all the things we were supposed to; made the appointments, checked the boxes, crossed & dotted.  None of it mattered.  Things kept breaking, being taken away, disappearing.  If 2024 just doesn't suck, that's a great improvement over 2023.

It's my blog's new year.  It's also the anniversary of my father passing a few years back.  The weirdest thing about that is, I've had to realize I was fine with  it from the start.  Its sad someone died, but the concept of my father had died decades before.  This was just a voice I occasionally heard on the phone.   I'm glad he had other people who were involved in his life & will miss him.  That's just not me.  May his next life bring him some solace.  He needed it.

Take care & may 2024 go well for you. Try to be kind.


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