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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January's Last Oops...


Today is the last day of January 2024.  I used to have favorite months & times of the year.  Now, at least for me, they all seem off & wrong.  Mind you, they're distinctive levels & flavors of awfulness, but still pretty trying.  Winter is my least favorite season.  Take the dark, freezing temps & throw the in a trash fire. 

The oops of this post is something unexpected.  I don't know if it is exactly belongs for here.  Maybe it's perfectly fitted for my blog.   Elmo, yes Elmo, on his Twitter (refuse to use X) asked a simple question on the 29th.   This piece covers it more, but it's all over the net.  He asked...

Elmo is just checking in! How is everybody doing?

The question was met with a tidal wave of emotional responses.  People described their fear, anxieties, worries...   A muppet asked a benign question & was met with an avalanche of social angst, aggravation, frustration & trauma. 

The question may have been simplex.  It may have been mundane.  But the response was far off the mark from what was probably expected.   Maybe it shouldn't have been.  Did the little bit of fun fur just poked the dike in the weakest place & send a torrent spewing forth?  Maybe this will start a conversation.  It could be cathartic.  Maybe some people will realize just how hard things have been on themselves & others.

This isn't an easy time for anyone.  With what's going on in the world, in this country, how could it be?  People are spent.  They're down to their last nerve & all out of spoons.  Maybe, just try being kind.  If you can't be kind, just walk away & let people be.

Goes to show, even the smallest comment can lead to a firestorm.   Have a heart, be kind.  Some days we're all strays who just need a little compassion.

Goodbye January.

Take care.


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