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Saturday, October 19, 2019


This Fall is off to a poor start.  A ton of stress tidbits has crashed into our lives.  The weather is dismal.  Allergies are still bothersome.  Dry air from heaters is an issue.  Screw ups with cable companies happened.  None of them are that big a thing.  But pile them altogether & add in some pissy cats & you have a virtual stress mountain.

As things stand we've handled what we could, which wasn't much.  We keep trying to take things off the plate, but there's still a lot.  It feels like I've been slightly buzzing for days.  Not in a nice, drunk manner.  No, like I'm holding a electric cord with a short.  I know we've done what we can.  But this crap needs to move off & let us come down off this tension hill. 

Maybe Logan's Run had it right, dead by 30.  My life may not of been great before, but at least I mostly had my health up to then.  After 30, it all went downhill fast.

That's all for now.  Take care.


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