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Friday, October 11, 2019

Autumn In Oklahoma Is A Myth...

I don't remember our last actual Fall here.  It's been a while.   August used to be blazing & dry, then September would be pleasant to crisp.  By October, the leaves would change & harvest was nearly over.   By Halloween, you had to make sure your costume allowed a coat.  November was heavy jacket to coat weather.  You were nearly into Winter.

That's not how things work now.  August is hot, but not as miserable as September.  October starts warms & may stay that way.  An unseasonable warmth remains until a long, cold rain & then pre-winter is on you.  The leaves drop, frost hits & it's cold.  No Autumn, just hot, wet, cold. So any talk of Fall in Oklahoma is just a silly story these days.

Take care.


PS - We hit 90 early this week, tonight could be near freezing.

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