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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Poor & In Need....

This article is just 1 of several that have been circulating about a city in Pakistan where over 1,100 people have contracted HIV.  Nearly 900, are under the age of 12. The reason is clear.  This country is so poor & uneducated, barbers, doctors & dentists reuse razors, tools & syringes.  A father told of a doctor rummaging through the trash to find a syringe for his child's  injection.  The doctor told him, it was because he was too poor to afford a new syringe.   That child contracted HIV+.

In this devastated city, the victims are ostracized by others due to misinformation about HIV.   They are segregated & alienated because of HIV.  The stigma & ignorance lives on.  

The rash of transmissions happened due to a lack of education, funds & understanding.   Many are too poor for medical care.  Many may die because they were poor.  

I have a question.  Honestly, what do we do now?  We've known of this virus for decades.   Groups have been active for decades trying to bring aid to poor regions.  Yet this still happens & will again.  So, what we do now?


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