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Friday, October 4, 2019

No Rest...

I needed yesterday to be restful, stress free & full of nothing.  I didn't get any of that.   I knew I had to run some early errands, but then I thought I'd be done.  That wasn't the case. 

Right as I'm getting ready to head out, my phone rang.  It keep ringing or texting for most of the day & well into the evening.  My father & sister kept calling about my brother.  I haven't talked to him in decades or seen him since the 80s.   We didn't get along & were never close.  But, there had been a medical emergency & he was in critical condition.  

At this point, I know he had a clot which caused a serious stroke.  If I'm hearing things correctly, it affected the brain stem & began shutting him down.   I haven't heard more since last then, but they weren't sure he'd last the night.   It's possible he passed.  My father & sister have the hospital info & I don't want to bog the place down with more phone calls.  

I may not have been close to him.  But, he had a life & people who cared about him.  I can feel sympathy for him as a person, but it doesn't register as a relative.  I don't really have those anymore.  If he passed, I hope it was as quick & painless as possible.  If he hasn't, he could be incredibly incapacitated for the rest of his life.  

I just want to get through this day & it started out with stress &  gloomy skies.  I'm spent & things keep happening to keep me from recuperating.  Sorry if that sounds too self-oriented, but I need to be better again.  Here's hoping nothing else happens.  


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