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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Nerved Out...

I haven't heard much more about my brother's condition.  My father said he was still had a breathing tube yesterday.  I have no idea what will happen.  It figures, once the initial shock wore off, ,my family hasn't called much.  My dad has once & my sister hasn't at all, typical.  

I was so worn out, yesterday was a mess.  I was nervy all day.  I hate feeling that spent.  If I hadn't been, the day would've been a lot easier.   It wasn't bad, but could've been better.

Add to everything, the weather's about to plunge.  Today will be warm, but after the highs will be lucky to hit 70.  We could see freezing soon.  I hate nosedive weather.  There's no such thing as Autumn in Oklahoma any more.  I hope the we get more of a cool down period than I think we will.  

Take care.


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