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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Misc & Testing...

This piece from Harvard Health Publishing, states over half the HIV+ people are 50+.  Also, that less than 40% of Americans  have ever been tested.  Both of these statements have been  known for a while.  The point is the number of people that have never been tested hasn't budged.  This is the point in the fight  vs HIV that needs to be addressed.  We're back to education, awareness & testing, the basics.

To the mess, some of it has been handled.  The van starts, the heater is still weird.  My roomie's issue is still in limbo.  The cable issue is something a lot of people are dealing with at the moment.  Suddenlink stopped their autopay without notice.  Now, none of the automated ways to pay work.  They're "looking" into it.   That's just so reassuring.  (HA!)

That's all for now, take care.


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