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Friday, October 18, 2019


There were a lot of articles talking about a man being arrested for knowingly infecting his partners with HIV.  I'm not going to post these articles, Google them if you want.  However, it reads the same as every other piece like this.  Person knows they're HIV+.  They have sex without informing people.  The partners are put at risk.   The points don't vary much.  

IMO, anyone knowingly exposing others to HIV or other similarly dangerous illnesses should be prosecuted.  This person committed assault.  They also violated their partner by denying them the chance to give fully informed consent. These people should be jailed if they did this knowingly, with disregard of their partner's health & well being. 

That said, where is the other person's responsibility?  We've known of HIV for 30+ years.   We know condoms greatly lower the chance of it spreading.  There's also PrEP.  Why, if you're old enough to engage in sex, shouldn't you be considered enough of an adult to protect yourself?   

This isn't victim blaming.  This is asking when are we going to accept anyone could be HIV+?  Why don't we just assume every potential sex partner has an STI?  We have to be responsible for our behavior & the risks we take.  This man committed a crime.  His partners were victims.  This wasn't a forcible rape.  Unless he tampered with a condom, none was used during sex.   His actions were criminal, theirs were risky.  


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