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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Samhain...

October is winding down.  We' actually had to turn on the heaters last night.  I'm not happy about that, but it got under freezing.   Not quite 3 weeks ago, it was 90 F & sunny.  Yesterday,  it was cold, dreary & raining.    I hate our lack of seasons.  I want an autumn that actually does what it should do, transition from hot to cold, not just nosedive into it.

I'm glad this month is ending.  It's been rough,  I have to get started on a new dental crown today.  Everything is acting weird or needing fixed.   There's been too much stress this month.

Goodbye October, you were not my friend.


PS - Happy Halloween & may the Great Pumpkin look kindly upon you as he flies overhead...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Busy Ending...

This month hasn't been fun & the tail end of it is proving overfilled with things.   We've already had to deal with the roof.  Tomorrow, I have to deal with part 1 of getting a dental crown.   Today is trash day & I need to go pick up my roomie in Fort Smith.  Friday will be the 1st of November.    That means next Monday will start the whole bill process all over again.  It really seems like we just did that.   The only good thing about October was that it rushed by.

We're headed into the Holiday season & have nothing handled.  I'm not sure of anyone's plans at this time.  Oh well, we'll figure it out.   I need to get around so that's about it for now.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Small Update...

  1.  Our cat, Mr. Fluffy Dammit Salem, is my pic today because it's National Cat Day.
  2. The doctor who is at least somewhat responsible for the outbreak in Pakistan has been arrested.
  3. The roof has been "fixed".  I hope it is, but I don't know.
  4. My dental appointment has been settled.

That's about all for now.  


Monday, October 28, 2019

Roof, Teeth & Shopping...

Sunrise is coming later & making it difficult to get out of bed.  Especially on mornings I have things to do.  Articles were overwhelmed with bits about the issue I covered yesterday.   I saw more stories about Pakistan, but none with more info.  

I'm still freaked out over the roof situation.  I will be until it's handled.  I had to call & settle my dentist appointment this week.  Now, I have to get around, take a shower & go shop.

I'm trying to be in a better place.  It's just not going very well.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Poor & In Need....

This article is just 1 of several that have been circulating about a city in Pakistan where over 1,100 people have contracted HIV.  Nearly 900, are under the age of 12. The reason is clear.  This country is so poor & uneducated, barbers, doctors & dentists reuse razors, tools & syringes.  A father told of a doctor rummaging through the trash to find a syringe for his child's  injection.  The doctor told him, it was because he was too poor to afford a new syringe.   That child contracted HIV+.

In this devastated city, the victims are ostracized by others due to misinformation about HIV.   They are segregated & alienated because of HIV.  The stigma & ignorance lives on.  

The rash of transmissions happened due to a lack of education, funds & understanding.   Many are too poor for medical care.  Many may die because they were poor.  

I have a question.  Honestly, what do we do now?  We've known of this virus for decades.   Groups have been active for decades trying to bring aid to poor regions.  Yet this still happens & will again.  So, what we do now?


Saturday, October 26, 2019


I still don't know anything about the roof.  I'm not in a good place.  There were a few articles today.  But, I'm in such a weird place, all I could do was tear into them.  I'm in no condition to be kind to poorly constructed works.  It's not their fault I'm in a crap mood, so I'll let it be for now.  Maybe tomorrow.   I need some resolution about the roof, who knows when that will come.  I'll try not slaughter articles until then.

Take care.


Friday, October 25, 2019

Piling On...

I'm not doing well this morning.  I didn't sleep well.  It's been raining for over 24 hours & it's supposed to keep up until tomorrow.   The problem is the roof has developed a leak.  The last storm was very windy & it must have loosened something.   I'm anxious & there's nothing I can do about it except wait.

We called a repair man, but it might be beyond him.  Then we'll have to find a roofer.  I don't know any.  I have no idea what this will cost.  I'm exhausted.

I woke to computer updates.  Which are taking forever.  Then we have to go shopping.  October has been 1 thing after another.  I'm frayed.  

That's all for now.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Another Crown...

A serious thing they don't mention enough these days, is how just being HIV+ can adversely affect your dental health.  Some meds, especially older kinds, are hard on your teeth. 

I went for my cleaning yesterday.  They buffed out a rough spot on a crown.  I'd noticed a notch in a tooth.  I thought maybe a filling had broken.  It had & taken part of the tooth with it.  I need another crown.  Here goes at least 2 appointments, time & a lot of cash.   Even with insurance crowns aren't cheap.  

For those new to HIV, this virus affects every aspect of your body & health.  From your obvious health to your teeth, weight, mental state & skin/hair. HIV is a whole package deal & at times it's very overwhelming.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Again, not much for articles.  It's Wednesday, so it's trash day.   I need to get around & handle that.  Afterwards, I have an dental appointment.  My 6-month cleaning & looksy.  We'll grab something to eat after.  That's about it for our plans.  

Take care.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Another Tuesday...

This will be a short post.  There's  nothing new in the way of articles & I don't really have anything to complain about.   Except for an obnoxious, old cat, my morning's going well so far.  I have a appointment for a dental cleaning tomorrow.  Other than that, not much is happening.  

Here's hoping for a quiet end to the month.  I'd appreciate little to no drama as October winds down.   That's it for now.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Weird Night...

There were storms last night & they made for odd sleeping.  The humidity & temperature kept changing.  There was wind & lightning.   The younger cat wasn't happy & kept racing about.  

I woke to grey skies,  wet air & a muggy house.   Now, I'm tired & stiff.   We have to go shopping in a bit.   Walking might help to loosen me up some.

That's all for now.  Nothing about Fall is making me like it.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Last Mow...

The lawn got its last mow of the season yesterday.  Good,  my sinuses can't take much more this year.   Everything in the yard has gone bad, to seed or just smelled.   It wasn't pleasant.

The forecast is calling for thunderstorms tonight.  I hope they're not too bad.  We don't need another power outage. 

I'm still a little strung out from everything, but things seem to  be letting up a bit.  Everyone in this house has had enough stress.  Take it to the next door please.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Saturday, October 19, 2019


This Fall is off to a poor start.  A ton of stress tidbits has crashed into our lives.  The weather is dismal.  Allergies are still bothersome.  Dry air from heaters is an issue.  Screw ups with cable companies happened.  None of them are that big a thing.  But pile them altogether & add in some pissy cats & you have a virtual stress mountain.

As things stand we've handled what we could, which wasn't much.  We keep trying to take things off the plate, but there's still a lot.  It feels like I've been slightly buzzing for days.  Not in a nice, drunk manner.  No, like I'm holding a electric cord with a short.  I know we've done what we can.  But this crap needs to move off & let us come down off this tension hill. 

Maybe Logan's Run had it right, dead by 30.  My life may not of been great before, but at least I mostly had my health up to then.  After 30, it all went downhill fast.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Friday, October 18, 2019


There were a lot of articles talking about a man being arrested for knowingly infecting his partners with HIV.  I'm not going to post these articles, Google them if you want.  However, it reads the same as every other piece like this.  Person knows they're HIV+.  They have sex without informing people.  The partners are put at risk.   The points don't vary much.  

IMO, anyone knowingly exposing others to HIV or other similarly dangerous illnesses should be prosecuted.  This person committed assault.  They also violated their partner by denying them the chance to give fully informed consent. These people should be jailed if they did this knowingly, with disregard of their partner's health & well being. 

That said, where is the other person's responsibility?  We've known of HIV for 30+ years.   We know condoms greatly lower the chance of it spreading.  There's also PrEP.  Why, if you're old enough to engage in sex, shouldn't you be considered enough of an adult to protect yourself?   

This isn't victim blaming.  This is asking when are we going to accept anyone could be HIV+?  Why don't we just assume every potential sex partner has an STI?  We have to be responsible for our behavior & the risks we take.  This man committed a crime.  His partners were victims.  This wasn't a forcible rape.  Unless he tampered with a condom, none was used during sex.   His actions were criminal, theirs were risky.  


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Misc & Testing...

This piece from Harvard Health Publishing, states over half the HIV+ people are 50+.  Also, that less than 40% of Americans  have ever been tested.  Both of these statements have been  known for a while.  The point is the number of people that have never been tested hasn't budged.  This is the point in the fight  vs HIV that needs to be addressed.  We're back to education, awareness & testing, the basics.

To the mess, some of it has been handled.  The van starts, the heater is still weird.  My roomie's issue is still in limbo.  The cable issue is something a lot of people are dealing with at the moment.  Suddenlink stopped their autopay without notice.  Now, none of the automated ways to pay work.  They're "looking" into it.   That's just so reassuring.  (HA!)

That's all for now, take care.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mini-ish Meltdown...

Life strikes again.  A lot of crap decided to be an issue yesterday.  The van's battery died.  I have to get someone out here, jump it & then take it to make sure it only needs a battery.  I also need a heater/AC blend door put in it.

My roomie got some agitation of her very own.  It can be handled, but it's just another thing on the plate.  Then late last night, the internet goes out.  We get a message the bill is past due.  We'll have to call about that this morning.  

This was supposed to be just a do-nothing morning.  Instead, it'll be filled with mechanics & annoying phone calls.  Just what we wanted mid-October.

Rant over for now.  Take care.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Another fruitless day for articles.  Maybe there'll be some tomorrow.  I've seen some things in development, but most of them are more blips than articles at this time.  

We arranged for the lawn to get a last mowing of the season.  Then I'll finish the yard work.   There's not a lot left of seasonal wrap up stuff.  An hour or so should do it. 

I'll be heading out in a bit.  I need to run to Ft Smith & pick up my roomie.  Probably grab something to eat on the way back.  

That's about it for today, take care.


Monday, October 14, 2019

Mid Monday...

The weather snap has made its presence known.  I feel off, not horrible, but off.   My head is stuffy & I'm dealing with a morning cough.  I'm a bit achy & already over the cold season.   I dread turning on the heaters.  They'll only make this worse, but we'll have to have them soon enough.  I'll try to get the rest of Winter prep finished in the next couple of weeks.  There isn't much left.   Putting something over a spicket, cutting back the mint & finishing trimming a bush or 2.  

That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, October 13, 2019


This piece states a new drug approach has been developed for Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).   This issue can be life threatening & is not uncommon among those living with HIV.  The medication Tesamorelin & others for treating NAFLD have been precluded for those living with HIV.  There was a need for more study.  These medications may significantly reduce fatty levels.  There's more study needed & the inherent risk of any medication.   The point is, there is an option & may be more later on.  This seems like a good thing.


PS - It got cold, I hate the 30s, actually anything below 50.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Thanks For Nothing...

I'm not a fan of using overtly political sites.  For this, I will.  The 1st article on Vox & the 2nd Washington Examiner.  The Vox article says requiring people who knowingly have HIV to disclose that to potential sex partners is too difficult & damaging.  They feel it only adds to the stigma of being +.  The 2nd piece is opposed & states some 2020 Presidential campaigners as supporting the repeal of such laws.  Pete Buttigieg & Cory Booker have supported the idea of undoing such "hardships."

Giving someone else the option to refuse sex with you because you have a STD, may not be pleasant, but it's the ethical & should remain legal thing to do.  If you have so little respect for your partner, then walk on by.  Having sex with someone while withholding such information, is deceptive.  IMO, it's a violation & should be treated as such.   

The repeal of such laws wouldn't support honest, caring people.  It would only aid callous cowards willing to potentially expose others to HIV.  These aren't noble people experiencing a hardship.  They're barely a step above zombies.   They want sex instead of brains.  Maybe if they used their brains, they'd see how harmful they're being.  It's doubtful, but it could happen.


PS - I'll never vote for anyone supporting these repeals.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Autumn In Oklahoma Is A Myth...

I don't remember our last actual Fall here.  It's been a while.   August used to be blazing & dry, then September would be pleasant to crisp.  By October, the leaves would change & harvest was nearly over.   By Halloween, you had to make sure your costume allowed a coat.  November was heavy jacket to coat weather.  You were nearly into Winter.

That's not how things work now.  August is hot, but not as miserable as September.  October starts warms & may stay that way.  An unseasonable warmth remains until a long, cold rain & then pre-winter is on you.  The leaves drop, frost hits & it's cold.  No Autumn, just hot, wet, cold. So any talk of Fall in Oklahoma is just a silly story these days.

Take care.


PS - We hit 90 early this week, tonight could be near freezing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dreary & Cooler...

Trash is out & I woke to dismal skies.  It'll be warmer for a bit today & then start to cool down.  We could be looking at  near freezing temps late Friday night. It won't stick, but it'll definitely change the weather.   I hate these plummets.  

I'm having some sinus issues.  Allergies & weather stuff are a major problem.  But, when the power was out, we had to use candles for hours.  That was a problem for my nose.  I had a few nosebleeds yesterday. Hopefully, that's passed.  

I need to do a couple more things in the yard to be ready for Winter.  There's 1 more bush to trim.  I'm waiting for it's blooms to fall.   I need to cover the spicket & that's it.  No matter what, I will always be far more a Summer person than Winter.  

Take care.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Issue With Speed...

A brief post today.  This piece is about concerns that rapid tests for HIV may be producing false negatives.  If so, this is a major concern.  The article wasn't the clear as to which type of test had issues, but it'd likely this was only a preliminary report.  Hopefully, more will follow.

Take care.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Seriously California WTF...

IMO, good intentions have struck again in California.  According to this piece & others, the state decided to allow pharmacists to provide HIV prevention meds (PrEP) without a prescription.  This starts the January.  Bad points here.

  • PrEP is a serious med with potentially life threatening side effects & interactions.
  • How much cost assistance will there be with no script?
  • This pushes an expensive medication instead of education &  condom usage.
  • Every misuse of these meds could lead to HIV resistance.
This is a serious medication, a variation on a typical HIV drug regimen.  It has side effects, interactions & concerns.  Luckily the pharmacist can only give a 60 day supply, before the patient is required to see a physician.  These meds can harm a person.  Oversight & labs are needed on a regular basis.   

The cost of this will be immense.  Again, without a script, who will foot the bill?  Why not aim these monies at education & promoting condom usage.  Condoms aid in preventing much more than just HIV.  

PrEP use has risen dramatically in the last decade, but so has vaping.   They're investigating vaping, why not some caution on this matter?   I know the state had good intentions, but this could go very badly.


Monday, October 7, 2019

Again Stress...

Sorry for the broken record routine.  Yesterday was no better than before.  It started out a drearfest & then moved on to worse.  My brother's health situation continues & my sisters are freaking out.  I have to wonder where that was when I had anything go wrong in my life?  

Then the rain began.  We got over an inch, most of which fell quickly.   Our power went out just after 4.  It took over 7 hours to be fixed.  The house was very sticky & uncomfortable.  The day was a giant frustration suck.  I think most of what was in the fridge & freezer is fine.  I'll get more milk to be safe.  Local milk never makes it to the expiration date & this didn't help.

Luckily the sun is shining this morning.  The chill is here.  I woke to the 50s.  Midweek we were in the 90s, a week more & we could have our 1st brush with temps in the 30s.  That sucks!  I hate Fall!  I wind up with more allergies, sunlight deprived & temperature shocked.  Autumn is awful.


Sunday, October 6, 2019

So Far Nothing...

This morning has been fine, but I'm starting to have issues waking.   When I see the sunrise & sunset times recede into the dark, I get more anxious.  In a month, the time will change for DST & I'll lose an hour of light during the day.  The forecast shows rain & then a temperature drop.  I hate how our seasons works now.  We don't have a Spring or Fall, just a short wet period & then abrupt change.  It's hard for me to handle.

There's no good news about my brother.  It doesn't sound like there will be a good outcome.  The medical staff is surprised he's still alive.  

I'm very spent & trying to recollect myself.  I feel like pieces of me have been thrown about.  I could get better if everything would calm down for a bit.  There's no sign of that happening.  I'm tired of this marathon.


Saturday, October 5, 2019

Nerved Out...

I haven't heard much more about my brother's condition.  My father said he was still had a breathing tube yesterday.  I have no idea what will happen.  It figures, once the initial shock wore off, ,my family hasn't called much.  My dad has once & my sister hasn't at all, typical.  

I was so worn out, yesterday was a mess.  I was nervy all day.  I hate feeling that spent.  If I hadn't been, the day would've been a lot easier.   It wasn't bad, but could've been better.

Add to everything, the weather's about to plunge.  Today will be warm, but after the highs will be lucky to hit 70.  We could see freezing soon.  I hate nosedive weather.  There's no such thing as Autumn in Oklahoma any more.  I hope the we get more of a cool down period than I think we will.  

Take care.


Friday, October 4, 2019

No Rest...

I needed yesterday to be restful, stress free & full of nothing.  I didn't get any of that.   I knew I had to run some early errands, but then I thought I'd be done.  That wasn't the case. 

Right as I'm getting ready to head out, my phone rang.  It keep ringing or texting for most of the day & well into the evening.  My father & sister kept calling about my brother.  I haven't talked to him in decades or seen him since the 80s.   We didn't get along & were never close.  But, there had been a medical emergency & he was in critical condition.  

At this point, I know he had a clot which caused a serious stroke.  If I'm hearing things correctly, it affected the brain stem & began shutting him down.   I haven't heard more since last then, but they weren't sure he'd last the night.   It's possible he passed.  My father & sister have the hospital info & I don't want to bog the place down with more phone calls.  

I may not have been close to him.  But, he had a life & people who cared about him.  I can feel sympathy for him as a person, but it doesn't register as a relative.  I don't really have those anymore.  If he passed, I hope it was as quick & painless as possible.  If he hasn't, he could be incredibly incapacitated for the rest of his life.  

I just want to get through this day & it started out with stress &  gloomy skies.  I'm spent & things keep happening to keep me from recuperating.  Sorry if that sounds too self-oriented, but I need to be better again.  Here's hoping nothing else happens.  


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Bill Day Again...

It's the start of bills day.  It should be mostly finished by tomorrow.  It's nice having them out of the way.  I'm just waiting for the trashmen to come.  I never know when they'll get here.  It's usually somewhere between 6 - 9 AM.  That's why trash goes out the night before.  

The dryer is fixed.  It was easy for them, but costly.  I'm glad it's handled.  Still, it was more stress & I was already strung out.  I need breakage & stressors to give me some breathing room.  That probably won't happen, but I really need it.  

They say, "This too will pass."  They're right, it will.   That doesn't mean what's on the other side will be better.  I hate phrases like that.   Yes, this will pass & something else might break, you could sick, etc..  

Take care.


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Oh Well...

My pleas for a more amicable October fell on deaf ears.  The 1st day of the month was hot, full of mowing noise, smells of bad grilling, bugs, a night time visit from a skunk & oh yes, the dryer broke.  What a way to start the month.  

October, I'm already tired, please pull yourself together.  September took all the F's I had left to give about anything. So give it a rest already.

More tomorrow, maybe I"ll be in a less just kill-it mood.  I hope.


Tuesday, October 1, 2019


October is back & at leas the 1st few days will be hot like September.   I have a back feeling this is going to be another No-Fall year, where we just plummet into Winter.  I hate that.   September was not a fun month & it had little to do with my birthday.  It was unpleasant, hot, humid & bug filled.  It ended being slightly over an inch low for rain averages.  I'm amazed we haven't had more fires.

So hello October.  Let's have a better month than September.  We need to cool down some & get some more rain.   So far, i only have a dentist appointment for a cleaning this month.  Other than that, I think it's mostly a nothing month.
