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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Weekly Regimen...

This article details a new technique for HIV medication delivery.  Researchers from MIT & Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital have developed a time-released capsule designed to allow for a week's worth of meds to be taken in a single dose.   This could help with a big problem in people's regimens,  adherence.   A single pill given weekly compared to possible multiple, daily doses.  

Researchers feel, not only can this treat the illness, it could insure less future transmission of HIV.  HIV is much harder to transmit, some say impossible, while at undetectable levels.   This approach doesn't call for the development of new medications, only the new delivery method.

This could change the fight against HIV.   Researchers are already looking into how to apply the technique for medication delivery for other illnesses.  I'll  keep an eye out for articles on this matter. 


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