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Saturday, January 6, 2018

Possible Correction...

I got back in contact with my pharmacy yesterday.  Te issue may be resolved.  I'll know on Monday.  Either my meds will arrive or they won't.   

When I started with this establishment, they had a different name.  Now they're, CVS Speciality Pharmacy out of Monroeville, PA.  They're erratic.  They never take responsibility for mistakes.  It's always someone else's issue, my doctor or my insurance.  

I'm not certain how this new med, Triumeq, is working for me.  I've only had 1 set of labs since I've been on it.  I'll have another next month.  At that point, if I stay with my current regimen, I'm going to have a talk with my local pharmacies.  I don't need the dram & stress CVS is causing.   I hope it's a possibility.  

I've been with this pharmacy for over 15 years, but they keep getting worse.  The nurse at my doctor's office told me they have other patients using CVS & they all go through the same crap I do.  She doesn't like dealing with CVS at all.

That's it for now, take care.


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