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Friday, January 26, 2018


A lot of people need to learn, what is & is not their business & how to mind their own.   Ever since his death, there have been rumors about Gianni Versace.  Did he have HIV?   The recent TV series dealing with his death, has rekindled these suspicions.

The truth is, it's not your business & it doesn't matter.  This is nothing more than celebrity name-smearing.   Just because someone is famous, doesn't make them owe anyone anything.  They aren't required to come-out about their sexuality, gender or health. 

This is stigma celebrating.  It's perverse & destructive.  Most of all, it's a private matter.  

Learn the acronym, M.Y.O.B (mind your own business).  If you have sit over there like Kermit & drink tea, fine, but leave people alone.  You wouldn't people creeping through your private matters.


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