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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Article Selection...

I didn't find any articles I wanted to cover today.  Yes, there were articles out there.  However, they fell into these areas:
  • Things I've covered before with no new info
  • Things that are too vague or novel 
  • Things that are too subjective
  • Things that are not pertinent to my area/situation
Most of those are pretty straight forward, except for perhaps the last point.  I don't tend to cover things that are entirely removed from my area.  Articles that only affect other countries aren't things I approach.  Now, if an article is about funding, meds or drug resistance, I'm prone to go over them.

I'm not saying these other issues don't matter.  I'm saying they aren't in the purview of this particular blog.   I try to focus on matters that could impact me & those in similar situations.  If I don't cover an article you may find intriguing, it was either due to those factors, I'm waiting or I just didn't see it.


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