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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Not Testing...

"Despite public health efforts to expand opportunities for HIV testing, in 2015, more than 50% of adults aged 18 to 64 in the United States had never been tested for HIV outside of the mandatory testing done for blood or blood product donation," the researchers wrote in the study.
This quote was taken from a CNN piece  based on CDC statistics.   It tells how younger people, 15 - 44, were fairly unlikely to be tested for HIV unless it was required.   The reason, these people felt they were at no actual risk in contracting the virus.  As usual, men more likely to remain untested, but women were shown to be closing that gap. 

An odd point, was that education had an inverse affect on testing between the genders.   The higher a man's education, the more apt he was to be tested for HIV.  The opposite was true for women.   It didn't explain why.  Perhaps, men grew to understand the risk better & women thought they were better educated & therefore knew how best to avoid the disease.

It's simple.  Unless you're already HIV+, if you are sexually active, you should be getting tested for the virus regularly.  There's no other responsible option. 



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