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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Spent & Worn...

This morning wasn't a good thing.  Nothing bad happened.  It was just a series of constant, little annoyances I can't do anything about.  Occasionally or individually, they're not really anything.  But they're constant & usually concurrent.   The simplest things become challenges.  I'm tired.

For over a year, things have been weird, strained.  IRL & on the net.  I keep editing myself & my contacts.  I'm getting to the point of not talking to anyone.  I'm sick of their issues, rhetoric, & feels.

So far, 2018's claim to fame is that it hasn't been as bad as 2017.  That's a really low bar to meet.   I know I need something.  I just don't what it is or how to go about getting it.   My resources are limited, borderline non-existent.  

I'm tapped out.  My means of getting by & distracting myself are a bust.  The next few days are going to be really cold & dreary.  My outlook won't be getting better anytime soon.  Even if it did, it'd just be a another trick I played on myself.  Sometimes I get so tired my face hurts & I can't explain any better than that.

I need an ending & I'm not expecting a happy 1.


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