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Friday, January 5, 2018


I made it 5 days into the new year before getting seriously irritated with something.  That might be a record.   While trying to get out the door to go shopping, my phone dinged for a voice mail.  

My craptastic pharmacy had struck again.   The order I placed on the 2nd, that should've been mailed today was going to be delayed because of some issue they had with refills.  Both my meds showed that I had refills remaining, but they said those were no longer valid for some reason.  They couldn't tell me this when I ordered.  No, then I could've handled this is a reasonable manner.

I spent half and hour at my doctor's office trying to talk to someone about this.  I finally did, but I have no idea how long this is going to take.   Once I'm certain of what meds I'm going to be on, I'm talking to a local pharmacy & see what they can do.  If possible CVS pharmacy go seriously F' itself.  I hate that pharmacy.

Add to that, our water bill had been late.  It showed up today, half eaten in a envelope provided by the post office.  I also hate our post office, it sucks.

I'm just so happy.


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