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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1 Down...

The 1st month of 2018 is coming to an end, until next year January.   This wasn't a bad month,  nothing awful happened.  It was mostly non-eventful.   Roomie's car got a new windshield & the house got a new cat.   Millie has been here almost a month. It's been a bit of handful, she's a younger cat than we're used to.

The state of The Union address was delivered by the stalest Cheeto ever.   I didn't watch it.  Not because of politics, I never watch those things.  They're just spin.  At best they're insincere promises, at worst, outright lie-fests.  Unless you're really into politics or reporting, I don't see any use in watching such ridiculously awful pageantry. 

I placed my February pharmacy order & I have to get lab work for a telemedicine appointment.   That's what I know I have to do in the upcoming month.   It may not have been a great month, but at least it wasn't a horrible time either.  At least there's that.

Good Bye January.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Ever since the great Cheeto got itself elected, things concerning HIV & articles over such, have been erratic at best.  I think everyone's been holding their breath & seeing if we can outlast this crap.  

Tonight is the state of the union speech.  For the last several days, articles have been even more scarce than usual.  Everyone is in wait & watch mode.  There is no hope regarding that orange bastard's actions concerning gays or HIV.  People need to give up on this & try to work around the idiot.   

Maybe the beginning of the month will bring more articles.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Morning Errands...

We went shopping this morning & stopped to get gas.  I don't see a lot more happening today.  It's cold again.  If I have no need to go out, I'm not going.  

It's chilly, but at least it's bright.  That's it for now/


Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Nothing Day...

The last Sunday of January is turning out to be a nothing kind of day.  I'm fine with that.  I'm not really up for much today.  My roomie & I are just happy to have made it through the 1st month of this year fairly unscathed.  We haven't be overly sick.  No one's gone to the hospital.  Nothing has died.  Sometimes, the absence of bad or trying things is a very good thing.

Take care.


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Last Saturday...

That went fast.  It's already the last January Saturday of 2018.    Not much going on today.   The weather has been all over the place & it's been hard to adjust to for everyone in the house.  It rained last night.   It still feels wet today.  

Yesterday was a month since Millie the cat's, person last showed.  She's been inside since the 1st of the month.  The other outdoor cats know the area & where to get during cold weather.  She didn't.  I don't how long this will last.   Millie's always been an outdoor cat & gets really bored indoors.  

That's about it for now.  Maybe the weather will pick a direction & my head will be able to calm down a bit.  I doubt it, but it could happen.


Friday, January 26, 2018


A lot of people need to learn, what is & is not their business & how to mind their own.   Ever since his death, there have been rumors about Gianni Versace.  Did he have HIV?   The recent TV series dealing with his death, has rekindled these suspicions.

The truth is, it's not your business & it doesn't matter.  This is nothing more than celebrity name-smearing.   Just because someone is famous, doesn't make them owe anyone anything.  They aren't required to come-out about their sexuality, gender or health. 

This is stigma celebrating.  It's perverse & destructive.  Most of all, it's a private matter.  

Learn the acronym, M.Y.O.B (mind your own business).  If you have sit over there like Kermit & drink tea, fine, but leave people alone.  You wouldn't people creeping through your private matters.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Not Testing...

"Despite public health efforts to expand opportunities for HIV testing, in 2015, more than 50% of adults aged 18 to 64 in the United States had never been tested for HIV outside of the mandatory testing done for blood or blood product donation," the researchers wrote in the study.
This quote was taken from a CNN piece  based on CDC statistics.   It tells how younger people, 15 - 44, were fairly unlikely to be tested for HIV unless it was required.   The reason, these people felt they were at no actual risk in contracting the virus.  As usual, men more likely to remain untested, but women were shown to be closing that gap. 

An odd point, was that education had an inverse affect on testing between the genders.   The higher a man's education, the more apt he was to be tested for HIV.  The opposite was true for women.   It didn't explain why.  Perhaps, men grew to understand the risk better & women thought they were better educated & therefore knew how best to avoid the disease.

It's simple.  Unless you're already HIV+, if you are sexually active, you should be getting tested for the virus regularly.  There's no other responsible option. 



Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Aetna Pays...

Last July, the insurer, Aetna, sent out statements to it's patrons in an envelope with a clear window.  Through which a list of the patient's medications could be seen.  This allowed anyone to know what meds the person was taking & they were most likely HIV+.  Aetna's outed these people's HIV status .

According to this piece, the insurer will have have to pay out over 17 million.  This will be the largest award ever for violating laws violating HIV privacy.   Those wronged by this matter won't receive much, but at least the company might learn from this grievance.   This could've been easily avoided with the tiniest bit of oversight on the matter.  Maybe now privacy will be something Aetna takes a little more seriously.

We can only hope.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Router Issues...

I'm a little spent this morning.  We had to run to Fort Smith last night.  Our router is in the process of dying.   We opted to go get another router before it does.   There are some things, having a backup  for is a good idea.   So far, the router is still going.

The trip was more tiresome.  It was dark & people were driving with their high-beams.    We got over there & bought the router.  We decided to get something to eat.  Neither of us had ever driven to this place & it took some effort finding.   A couple hours later we were home.  

The trip was successful, but taxing.  I'm glad we did & it went well.  Still, I'm worn out from it.


Monday, January 22, 2018

4th Monday In 2018...

It's 20 degrees cooler than yesterday.   We hit 73 yesterday & dealt with thunderstorms, lightning & tornado watches/warnings all evening.    The sudden warm surge was hard on me.  Now, we're way cooler, windy & wet.  Another unfun drastic turn.   I'm feeling better than yesterday, even if it is chilly.

We ran some errands this morning.  The monthly stuff has been handled.  We're on coast for the rest of January.   Hopefully, nothing screws up.

That's all for now.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

More Gripe...

A week ago, my overnight temps were in the single digits.  We had to leave faucets running all day to keep our pipes from freezing.   The heaters were on non-stop.  Today, it's 72, with a chance of rain & moderate pollen levels.   My body is reeling from the changes.   I have aches from my head to my toes.   When I said I wanted warmer temps, I meant a more seasonal level, like 40's - 50's.  This system is supposed the level out in a couple of days back down to normal temps for January.  I hope so.   We don't need a headstart on Summer, fleas & grass.


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Never Happy...

It's a windy day in the 60's.  A few days ago it stayed under freezing all day.  That was the case for  over a week.   Now we're nearly 40 degrees warmer, windy & have increasing pollen levels.  We traded freezing for an almost balmy, allergen laden wind tunnel.  Oklahoma weather never cooperates & gives us a break.  It could be worse.   There could a tornado or an ice storm, or worse an ice-nado.  I'm still in house-shoes, but not the heavy padded pair.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Wow 50's...

While it's not shorts weather, it has made it into the 50's.  I have to admit, I feel better being a ways above freezing.  I don't want it to get warm too quickly, but this serious cold can be over for the season.   It's bright out & that always helps me be in a better place.    I'm still tired, but this weather makes it easier to deal with things.

Take care.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Warming Up...

It's the 1st day in several, we haven't had to leave the water running all day in the faucets to make sure the pipes didn't freeze.  It's finally above freezing.  It looks to stay that in the foreseeable forecast.  Overnights will dip just below freezing, but not much.  I hope the seriously cold weather is behind us, at least for a while.   I need a chance to thaw out some.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Serious Cold...

We just managed to stay above 0 last night & only by a degree or so.   This isn't pleasant.   I hate the cold.   Tonight will be down in the teens again.  After that we're supposed to go no lower than 20's for a while.  It looks like our seasonal temps are returning.  This Artic crap go back to the polar bears.

As cold as it is, at least it wasn't snowing or icing.  We still need rain, but not an ice storm.  Those things are awful.   Beyond taking trash out & feeding porch cats, I have no plans for going out today.

That's about all my fingers can handle touching the keyboard right now.

More tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I'm not talking about weed.  I'm talking about illness. Occasionally I have to explain  what it means to have a chronic illness.  The term is fairly self-explanatory.  Illness means some form or ailment or disease.  Chronic means long lasting or persistent.  A chronic illness may be manageable, but it won't be cured or go away.

I've had to handle this matter with a man who had broke his leg so badly he was in treatment over a year.   Also with a woman who'd had 3 children.   I told them both to remember those experiences.  The good, so-so, average, bad & just horrible days they gone through during their experiences.  

People who have a chronic illness experience all that, from the absolutely horrible, to the barely noticing.  Mostly, we're in the average days.  Before you get excited that's being compared to the average day of being 6 months pregnant or hobbling around on a broken leg with pens in it. I have good days & awful days.  The bad can be physical, emotional, psychological or any combination .  

I told him to imagine never quite getting his to leg heal right.  I told her to imagine always being 6 months pregnant.  They both paused & said they got it.  But almost immediately asked, "But won't they get over their chronic illness?"   I guess I was unclear on what chronic meant.

People hate other people being sick.   Talcott Parsons, coined the term sick role.  It dealt with how society reacts to the ill.  We have little tolerance for the ailing, especially the chronically ill.  Our culture was strongly influenced by the Protestant Work Ethic.  This ethic promotes works above all & any person not doing so is shirking their responsibility.  This is also why our society has such a bad attitude about the poor.  This mentality is a major source of stigma against the poor & the ill,  Especially anyone that may be seen  as to blame for their own situation.  

Chronic illness is not a play on society or any one else.  It shouldn't be met with stigma, resentment or degradation.  It isn't about blame placement or accountability.  It is simply an ailment that isn't going anywhere, ever.

To be chronically ill means living with all of this.  The illness itself, the shortcomings of those around us, the tedious nature of illness.  It also means knowing this condition will never end until you do.  Having a chronic condition can be truly horrifying.  Knowing that things will only get worse & there is no hope of a cure.

Hopefully, that dealt with the idea of chronic illness.


Monday, January 15, 2018

Not A Death Sentence...

People say HIV is no longer a death sentence.   Let me say this, maybe if:
  • If you live in the west
  • If you are middle class
  • If you are White
  • If you are male
Just as with everything else in this world, the closer you are to being a WASP male, the better things are apt to play out for you.   This includes living with HIV.  If you're living in a poorer country, you're a person of color, you live in an excessively anti-Gay society, etc... then HIV might very well be a death sentence for you.   

I'm considered White & I am male.  But, I'm also gay, poor & rural.  Being on disability is the only reason I've ever had access to meds or treatment.  I'm fortunate.  Still, I'll never be on the best regimen or the newest.  I'll never have all the things looked at that a more affluent person would.  Without disability, HIV would've been a death sentence for me.  AZT nearly was.

Even with all the treatment I receive, it still does nothing to deal with the chronic nature of being ill & isolated.   My treatment does little to handle the social, emotional & psychological issues of being a long term HIV survivor.   HIV is exhausting is every matter from finances to relations.  This virus, even when treated plays havoc with every aspect of your life.  They're finding out lots of things about how + people age differently,  How some of the meds are having unforeseen side effects, interactions & health developments due to long term exposure to the meds.

So, HIV may no longer be a death sentence for some, it still is for others.  Even if it isn't for you, it's still a life sentence.  Don't candy coat it, living with HIV is a total bitch.   Anyone who says it isn't, is either a newbie, incredibly wealthy or lying.


Sunday, January 14, 2018

Spent & Worn...

This morning wasn't a good thing.  Nothing bad happened.  It was just a series of constant, little annoyances I can't do anything about.  Occasionally or individually, they're not really anything.  But they're constant & usually concurrent.   The simplest things become challenges.  I'm tired.

For over a year, things have been weird, strained.  IRL & on the net.  I keep editing myself & my contacts.  I'm getting to the point of not talking to anyone.  I'm sick of their issues, rhetoric, & feels.

So far, 2018's claim to fame is that it hasn't been as bad as 2017.  That's a really low bar to meet.   I know I need something.  I just don't what it is or how to go about getting it.   My resources are limited, borderline non-existent.  

I'm tapped out.  My means of getting by & distracting myself are a bust.  The next few days are going to be really cold & dreary.  My outlook won't be getting better anytime soon.  Even if it did, it'd just be a another trick I played on myself.  Sometimes I get so tired my face hurts & I can't explain any better than that.

I need an ending & I'm not expecting a happy 1.


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Article Selection...

I didn't find any articles I wanted to cover today.  Yes, there were articles out there.  However, they fell into these areas:
  • Things I've covered before with no new info
  • Things that are too vague or novel 
  • Things that are too subjective
  • Things that are not pertinent to my area/situation
Most of those are pretty straight forward, except for perhaps the last point.  I don't tend to cover things that are entirely removed from my area.  Articles that only affect other countries aren't things I approach.  Now, if an article is about funding, meds or drug resistance, I'm prone to go over them.

I'm not saying these other issues don't matter.  I'm saying they aren't in the purview of this particular blog.   I try to focus on matters that could impact me & those in similar situations.  If I don't cover an article you may find intriguing, it was either due to those factors, I'm waiting or I just didn't see it.


Friday, January 12, 2018


The frigid weather bit back.  It's past noon & we're still not over freezing.   Overnight temps dipped into the upper teens.  It's supposed to be colder early this upcoming week.  We're not expecting any warm up until Wednesday.  

The reasons I write about the cold weather:
  • I hate cold weather
  • It's awful on my skin
  • It dries out my eyes
  • It kills my sinuses & makes breathing rough
  • It gives me chilblains
  • It messes with how I sleep & makes me ache
  • I have to wear a lot more clothes
  • I have to wear socks a lot more & my feet dry out\
  • I have leave water dripping so not to freeze the pipes
There's probably more, but those are the biggies.  I hate cold weather.  

More tomorrow.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Weather Yuck...

Last week we weren't even crawling above freezing during the day & were in teens overnight.  Early this week the temps were still below freezing.  Yesterday, we hit 60 F with the overnight  in the 50's.  Today we've hit 63 & will be down to 20 overnight.  Besides all the temperature swings, we've also had a jump in pollen the last couple of days.  

My head is pounding from sinus pressure.  This blood pressure med seems to make me cold, even when it's warm.  For the next week, it's supposed to be seriously cold again, just wonderful. 

That's all I've got for now.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Not Much...

Not much going on this morning.  My roomie had an early appointment.   At least the sun is shining.  

It's looks to be warm today.  But from Friday night until next Wednesday, it's supposed to be a lot colder.  I just can't be a fan of cold weather.

I saw some beginnings of articles today, but nothing substantial.  I did see a piece stating the opioid issue the midwest has been dealing with a couple of years has spread to Cincinnati.  No surprise there. The current admin would rather fight a losing war on weed, than admit they don't want to tackle this serious drug problem.

More tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Weekly Regimen...

This article details a new technique for HIV medication delivery.  Researchers from MIT & Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital have developed a time-released capsule designed to allow for a week's worth of meds to be taken in a single dose.   This could help with a big problem in people's regimens,  adherence.   A single pill given weekly compared to possible multiple, daily doses.  

Researchers feel, not only can this treat the illness, it could insure less future transmission of HIV.  HIV is much harder to transmit, some say impossible, while at undetectable levels.   This approach doesn't call for the development of new medications, only the new delivery method.

This could change the fight against HIV.   Researchers are already looking into how to apply the technique for medication delivery for other illnesses.  I'll  keep an eye out for articles on this matter. 


Monday, January 8, 2018

2nd Week...

Other than some pharmacy drama, the 1s tweek of 2018 went fairly smoothly, if too chilly.  We got some rain yesterday, about half an inch.  We need a lot more. Even so, the rain made the air wet & feel even colder.

There isn't much going on today.  We ran some errands & got groceries.  There really any more out of the house plans for today.  Hopefully, there'll be more articles soon.  

Take care.  I'll just wait & see if my meds actually show up today.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Warmer, But Wet...

We actually made it up to 52 F yesterday.  We won't see the 50's today, but it's still warmer than it was.  It's sprinkling outside & heavier rain is expected.   We could use the rain.

I'm sitting here with every light in my room on, trying to brighten things up.  The overcast skies have left my everything dark & dreary.  If we're going to have to endure the dismal skies, I hope we at least get a decent amount of rain out of it.

I"ve been taking the blood pressure medication for about 2 weeks.  It does seem to lower my numbers, but hye creep back up throughout the night.  By morning, they're a little higher than they should be.  That will change as things warm back up.  Cold weather is not my friend.

Not much else is going on at the moment.  Take care.


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Possible Correction...

I got back in contact with my pharmacy yesterday.  Te issue may be resolved.  I'll know on Monday.  Either my meds will arrive or they won't.   

When I started with this establishment, they had a different name.  Now they're, CVS Speciality Pharmacy out of Monroeville, PA.  They're erratic.  They never take responsibility for mistakes.  It's always someone else's issue, my doctor or my insurance.  

I'm not certain how this new med, Triumeq, is working for me.  I've only had 1 set of labs since I've been on it.  I'll have another next month.  At that point, if I stay with my current regimen, I'm going to have a talk with my local pharmacies.  I don't need the dram & stress CVS is causing.   I hope it's a possibility.  

I've been with this pharmacy for over 15 years, but they keep getting worse.  The nurse at my doctor's office told me they have other patients using CVS & they all go through the same crap I do.  She doesn't like dealing with CVS at all.

That's it for now, take care.


Friday, January 5, 2018


I made it 5 days into the new year before getting seriously irritated with something.  That might be a record.   While trying to get out the door to go shopping, my phone dinged for a voice mail.  

My craptastic pharmacy had struck again.   The order I placed on the 2nd, that should've been mailed today was going to be delayed because of some issue they had with refills.  Both my meds showed that I had refills remaining, but they said those were no longer valid for some reason.  They couldn't tell me this when I ordered.  No, then I could've handled this is a reasonable manner.

I spent half and hour at my doctor's office trying to talk to someone about this.  I finally did, but I have no idea how long this is going to take.   Once I'm certain of what meds I'm going to be on, I'm talking to a local pharmacy & see what they can do.  If possible CVS pharmacy go seriously F' itself.  I hate that pharmacy.

Add to that, our water bill had been late.  It showed up today, half eaten in a envelope provided by the post office.  I also hate our post office, it sucks.

I'm just so happy.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

The 4th...

It's the 4th day of the year & I haven't found any articles.  Most pieces out those are more rehash or purely speculative.   However, those 4 days haven't been wasted.

We had lunch with friends on the 1st.   On Tuesday, my roomie got the ball rolling on some car maintenance.  Yesterday, we handled most of the 1st bills of the year.   The car work was dealt with & I received verification from my new car insurance.   I also blogged about my anniversaries.

So, yes there've been 4 days already & no HIV related articles.  But so far, we've been doing well in 2018.  Only 361 days left to get through. 


Wednesday, January 3, 2018


This is my blog's 7th anniversary.   I'm amazed I've kept going this long.  I've used this blog to record my life.  Living with HIV.  Being in a small town.  My personal & interpersonal issues.   I'm glad I've done this.  I don't know if it's ever meant that much to anyone else, but it's helped me process.

Today is also my 18th HIV Day.   18 years ago, I was diagnosed & started this part of my life as a person living with this virus.   I've been + for a little over 35% of my life .  I certainly didn't expect I'd be at this point when I was younger, but here I am.  

Here's to my 7th & 18th.   I don't have any particular plans for this year.  I rarely do.  I guess I'll see when I get there.

Hope everyone has a great day.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The 2nd...

Today is the 2nd day of the year.  So far, 2018 is going along fine.  Fingers crossed.  It's still frigid here & it'll be at least this cold until tomorrow afternoon.  Here's to tomorrow.

My roomie called about some car maintenance this morning.  She got the ball rolling & it looks to be at a better price than either of had thought it would be.   Parts had to be order, so it'll happen later this week.

That's about ti for today.  Hope 2018 is treating you well so far.


Monday, January 1, 2018

It's The 1st...

It's the 1st day of a new year.  I hope it's kind to us all.  We could use that.  I'm writing early because we're having lunch with a friend.  Last night was frigid.  It's still in the teens this morning.  This looks to be what's here for a few days.

The outdoor cat, Millie, came in last night.  I'm glad.  She left this morning.  I guess there was only so much of the indoors she could handle.  I hope she does well.  I get how Millie feels.  It may be warm in that house, but what's the catch?  What if my person comes back & I miss him?  

I'm not good with stops & starts.  There's a lot of emotion in them I'd rather not face.  But, here we are again.  I'm uncertain & apprehensive.  Maybe, we can make it through this year better than last.  

Best wishes in 2018.
