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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Yes, You Do...

I came a across a brief blip today.  It was a response at a Q&A site.  The resposnse wasn't great, but the question was relevant.  Should a HIV+ person reveal their status to their dentist?  

The answer is absolutely yes, you should tell your dentist & any health care provider your HIV status.  HIV & many other ailments such as cancer, hepatitis, thyroid issues, etc.. can all impact the entirety of your body, not just specific things like your blood or kidneys.   Your oral health, eyesight, hearing, hair/skin, mental wellness can all be affected by such illnesses.  These professionals are trained to look for these things.

I understand telling a new person, any person, your HIV status can be trying, but it's necessary in these cases.  It's for you health & well being.  If you don't feel you can trust this professional enough to confide in them, then you probably shouldn't be seeing them.


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