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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Should It Be A Crime...

There have been a lot of articles about the criminalization of HIV.  More specifically, the spreading of HIV to others due to refusal to reveal or lying about a person's HIV Status.  Many HIV activists believe this shouldn't be the case.  I disagree.

This isn't just an argument about responsibility.  Both parties should have taken precautions to prevent transmission of any STI's.  However, this isn't just about personal responsibility. This is also about consent.

If you are having sex with someone without their consent, it's sexual assault.  If you coerce, deceive or manipulate someone into sex, it's still assault.  That includes allowing the other person to believe you're completely healthy, when you're actually HIV +.

Some of these offenders say they did it just to see how many people they could infect. Others said they feared rejection due to their HIV status.  Both are wrong & both should be illegal.    Both should be prosecuted.   The affected person's life will be forever altered & now they'll have to deal HIV & all that it encompasses for the rest of their life.

I have sympathy for those dealing the stigma of being +.  But I have no understanding of how a person could allow that fear to cause them to infect another person with HIV.  Those people stopped being sympathetic victims of stigma & became disease spreading monsters.

So, by all means, prosecute those who knowingly transmit HIV to others.


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