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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Why Not...

Some people are upset with the idea of a dating app allowing users to self-identify as HIV+.  They feel this is serosorting.   The idea decisions will be made upon a persons HIV status.  Guess what, it is.  That's sort of the point.  

Should a + person be discriminated against?  Not for housing, jobs, benefits, etc... But a person should be allowed to make a decision for themselves whether or not to be involved with a + partner.  

The conversation should be had, preferably before sex actually occurs.  Posting your status on Grindr  may deter some parties, but it also may save you from having to deal with that fall out face to face.  Posting your preferences & attributes, possibly including HIV status, simply allows for some difficult situations to be avoided by both parties.  If you can't handle that, then you're probably not mature enough to actually be dating or hooking up.

Personally, the more specific you can get, the better.


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