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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dirty Laundry...

Apparently some people take Don Henley's song Dirty Laundry way too seriously.  I was raised  not to air mine in public.   Occasionally, I can go on rant here or I can discuss some more personal issues in my life.  But this is my blog about my life & it's relatively small.  

Lately, I've noticed a lot of people telling tales about their personal lives on Facebook & the like & tearing away at everyone around them.    I don't think it's in good taste or decency to trash someone personally on a public forum like Facebook where they can't reasonably defend themselves. Or force them to have to defend themselves in the 1st place.  

This behavior is in seriously bad taste.  Most of us don't want to know your personal business.  You may have vented & feel a little better when you do this kind of thing.  But, you lose a lot of face & credibility.  Be an adult.  Handle things better than a child on the playground.  Do the proverbial rise above or just walk away.   Don't thrash about in the mud.  It's just embarrassing.


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