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Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Little Tired...

My roomie & I went out last night.  We had a good time, but truth be told, it left me a little spent.  I woke up late today & it's taking me a while to get around.  It would've been easier if the drive home hadn't been in the cold rain.   As tired as I might be, my roomie will be more so or Monday after her appointment in Tulsa.  Goes to show, this is all relative.  At least I'll be home.  The worse I'll have to do is go to the mail box place.

Yesterday was the 1st time we turned on the heater.  I was nice.  The living room stove is on now.  I'll turn it off in a bit.  They can heat things up rather quickly.  There may not be snow & we haven't hit the Solstice, but Winter is here.

Stay warm & safe.


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