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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Another Star Falls...

2016 has been the year of the dying performer.  The list is huge & it now includes Carrie Fisher & George Michael.  This last year has felt like the late 80's all over again.   Only this time, those dying aren't casualties of HIV, they're victims of time &/or lifestyle.

2016 has been a pretty rough year for a lot of people for a lot of reasons.  Too bad 2017 isn't exactly being a beacon of hope.  I think this holiday season was somber because so many people were just too emotionally/spiritually spent after the months prior.  They just couldn't muster up much joy, knowing what lies ahead in 2017.

I have no idea what will happen next year.  Like it or not. it's coming & we'll have to face it.  I wish I could tell you some secret things to make it easier, but I can't.  I can just hope for the best for us all.  Hopefully, 2017 will be better than any of thought it possibly could be.


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