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Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Just some article briefs for your consideration.   The 1st article, is linking the success of  HIV Treatment to the rise of  drug resistant HIV.    This is much more apparent in areas like Africa, where social stigma, political upheaval & economic instability have led to a lack of HIV resources or these assets being made unfavorable or even illegal.   The article discusses the lack of regimen conformity either due to choice, politics or simply not having access to the medications/facilities. 

The 2nd article,   deals with the currently researched method of fighting HIV known as, shock & kill.   The approach tries to force the virus out of hidden reservoirs in the body.  This approach may kill the virus, but could also prove damaging to the brain.  The  study shows the approach was shown to sometimes lead to swelling in the brain.

This last article doesn't deal with HIV at all.  It deals with a Veterans center where a man died after having maggots found in his wound.  Yes maggots. This is my area of the world.  Four have resigned, but that won't do much good.  The center is in a very rural area & they don't have the resources to attract a permanent doctor.   Because of this, steps that could decrease situations like this from happening weren't taken.  The center is little more than an under staffed, under funded & neglected nursing home for Vets.  Goes to show, not all the crap is aimed at HIV patients.  Just those people, most deem no longer matter.


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