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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Warming Up A Bit...

Last night was still under freezing, but it's already up to 60 F. 😊.  2 nights ago we made it down to 8 F.  That tied a record from 1989.  Today's weather is so much better,  I just don't handle cold well.  

So far, I'm doing better this year than last.  I stayed frozen all last Winter.  Not to mention nervous & anxious.  The thyroid pills seem to be working. I'm still anxious, but not as much.  I'm still cold, but not chattering.  It is Winter after all.  I have to get blood work again in a month on the thyroid situation.  It's either where it needs to be or I'll probably get another bump in dosage.

That's it for now.  Stay warm.


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