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Saturday, December 31, 2016

So Long 2016...

I've discussed 2016 enough, so long, farewell, get the hell out of here.  You were not a fun year.  You were a fairly devastating year.  I can only hope 2017 is better than you.  I hate ending on a bad note, but 2016, you've left little choice in the matter.  It's not me, it's definitely you.  Good bye.

I have very little left to say about the matter.  I can only cross my fingers & wish that next year is better.  I have little reason to believe that, but it's what I have left.  

I've been here for 5 fricking decades.  I've faced a lot of crap in my life, a lot of which I caused.  But those times concerned me.  This last year, the proverbial shit-storm hit everybody, even those that haven't realized it yet.  2016 is a debt that everyone will have to pay 1 way or another.

So go celebrate the new year.  Maybe the revelers will give the new start the strength to be something wondrous.   Have fun & be safe.


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