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Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 Needs To Go...

According to Helen Mirren, "2016 has been a big pile of shit."   OK, she was reading the prompter on The Graham Norton Show, but I think it's still true.  This year sucked.

We've had all the political BS.  We've dealt with massive racial issues.  The crisis in the Middle East is still roiling & spilling onto the rest of the world.  Loads of dearly loved famous people have died.  The environmental issues.  The lack of serious improvement in the economy.  The fact people are readily willing to prove just how hateful & insane they can be on a regular basis.   All this & more has made 2016 possibly the worst year I've seen in my lifetime.  That's including the year I was diagnosed with HIV.  Then it was mostly just my life that was sucky, not everyone else's as well.

I hope this year has its bags packed.   Saturday at midnight, 2016 is getting kicked to yesterday's curb.   Even the good things that happened in our lives got overshadowed by the crap that was 2016.


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