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Thursday, December 1, 2016

World AIDS Day 2016...

Today is World AIDS Day.  Since 1988, this day has been used to promote awareness of AIDS,  The UNAIDS page is here.  This year's motto is "Hands up for #HIVprevention."  Raising awareness of HIV & it's prevention as well as the rights of those living with the illness.  

Today is also the 1st of December  So long November & hello new month.  November was way better than October & I'd like that trend to continue into December.  But really, I'd just like not to have too much bad weather, drama or things that cost us a lot of $.

This is it, 2016 is winding up.  24 days until Christmas & only 30 more left in the year.  If you've got stuff left to do in 2016, you need to get with it.


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