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Saturday, December 31, 2016

So Long 2016...

I've discussed 2016 enough, so long, farewell, get the hell out of here.  You were not a fun year.  You were a fairly devastating year.  I can only hope 2017 is better than you.  I hate ending on a bad note, but 2016, you've left little choice in the matter.  It's not me, it's definitely you.  Good bye.

I have very little left to say about the matter.  I can only cross my fingers & wish that next year is better.  I have little reason to believe that, but it's what I have left.  

I've been here for 5 fricking decades.  I've faced a lot of crap in my life, a lot of which I caused.  But those times concerned me.  This last year, the proverbial shit-storm hit everybody, even those that haven't realized it yet.  2016 is a debt that everyone will have to pay 1 way or another.

So go celebrate the new year.  Maybe the revelers will give the new start the strength to be something wondrous.   Have fun & be safe.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Trying Not To...

My roomie & I have been dealing with cold issues for a few days now.  We're really trying to get past them & not let it develop into something worse.    We don't need to get sick with something serious.  No matter how crappy we've felt in  the mornings, life goes on.  We got some shopping done this morning.  I wasn't fun, but it's handled.  

I didn't notice anything in the articles.  I'm pretty spent.  So, this will have to do for today.  

Stay warm, safe & well.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 Needs To Go...

According to Helen Mirren, "2016 has been a big pile of shit."   OK, she was reading the prompter on The Graham Norton Show, but I think it's still true.  This year sucked.

We've had all the political BS.  We've dealt with massive racial issues.  The crisis in the Middle East is still roiling & spilling onto the rest of the world.  Loads of dearly loved famous people have died.  The environmental issues.  The lack of serious improvement in the economy.  The fact people are readily willing to prove just how hateful & insane they can be on a regular basis.   All this & more has made 2016 possibly the worst year I've seen in my lifetime.  That's including the year I was diagnosed with HIV.  Then it was mostly just my life that was sucky, not everyone else's as well.

I hope this year has its bags packed.   Saturday at midnight, 2016 is getting kicked to yesterday's curb.   Even the good things that happened in our lives got overshadowed by the crap that was 2016.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Should It Be A Crime...

There have been a lot of articles about the criminalization of HIV.  More specifically, the spreading of HIV to others due to refusal to reveal or lying about a person's HIV Status.  Many HIV activists believe this shouldn't be the case.  I disagree.

This isn't just an argument about responsibility.  Both parties should have taken precautions to prevent transmission of any STI's.  However, this isn't just about personal responsibility. This is also about consent.

If you are having sex with someone without their consent, it's sexual assault.  If you coerce, deceive or manipulate someone into sex, it's still assault.  That includes allowing the other person to believe you're completely healthy, when you're actually HIV +.

Some of these offenders say they did it just to see how many people they could infect. Others said they feared rejection due to their HIV status.  Both are wrong & both should be illegal.    Both should be prosecuted.   The affected person's life will be forever altered & now they'll have to deal HIV & all that it encompasses for the rest of their life.

I have sympathy for those dealing the stigma of being +.  But I have no understanding of how a person could allow that fear to cause them to infect another person with HIV.  Those people stopped being sympathetic victims of stigma & became disease spreading monsters.

So, by all means, prosecute those who knowingly transmit HIV to others.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Another Star Falls...

2016 has been the year of the dying performer.  The list is huge & it now includes Carrie Fisher & George Michael.  This last year has felt like the late 80's all over again.   Only this time, those dying aren't casualties of HIV, they're victims of time &/or lifestyle.

2016 has been a pretty rough year for a lot of people for a lot of reasons.  Too bad 2017 isn't exactly being a beacon of hope.  I think this holiday season was somber because so many people were just too emotionally/spiritually spent after the months prior.  They just couldn't muster up much joy, knowing what lies ahead in 2017.

I have no idea what will happen next year.  Like it or not. it's coming & we'll have to face it.  I wish I could tell you some secret things to make it easier, but I can't.  I can just hope for the best for us all.  Hopefully, 2017 will be better than any of thought it possibly could be.


Monday, December 26, 2016


I'm very thankful the holiday season is mostly over.  I'm fairly exhausted.  I managed to get through shopping this morning, but it was an effort.  We had a good time yesterday going to the movies for our Christmas routine.  Still, it was tiring & now I'm trying to recover.   I'm glad we went & for the most part this holiday was good.  That doesn't stop it from being draining & stressful at the same time.  There are 5 days left in 2016.  There are no more Sundays or Mondays.  The clock is ticking down.  Hopefully, I feel back up to things by the 1st.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas...

Like it or not Christmas is here.  This is a weird time for a lot of people.  I wish a good, peaceful day for everyone.    Sometimes that's what we really need.   I hope you can find comfort & joy today.  

May the season be kind to you.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Warm & Drizzly....

People may be wishing for a white Christmas, but our holiday will be warm  & drizzly.  We'll be 60 F & possibly 70 tomorrow.  That's after being down to 8 less than a week ago.   We'll be lucky to get an inch of rain this month.  That only leaves us lacking 2 1/2" for December & well over a foot for Fall/Winter 2016.

 I went for some last minute things & I'll be cooking today.  This will be it for now.  Stay safe & I really hope all of you have a good holiday.  Try to find the joy & beauty in things.  Sometimes it helps.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Mad Friday...

The Friday before Christmas is often referred to as Mad Friday or if you're in the UK, Black Friday.  It's the biggest day for work parties.   In the US its a day of idiot shoppers waiting for good buys.  It's not as bad as those waiting until the very last minute, but close.  Holiday shopping used to be a trick, but the stores are barely busy at all most the time.   A lot of people buy their presents online & have them shipped.   Sooner or later, brick & mortar stores will be a thing of the past.  

Have a Merry Mad Friday...


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Not Much Thursday...

It's pretty quiet here today.  My roomie  is out for the day.  I'll probably just hang out & watch a movie.  I'm pretty much passed  any holiday tolerance I may of had.  This season has been weird & I'm ready for it to move on.    Bring back the normalcy of no holidays, I want my TV & radio back.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Warming Up A Bit...

Last night was still under freezing, but it's already up to 60 F. 😊.  2 nights ago we made it down to 8 F.  That tied a record from 1989.  Today's weather is so much better,  I just don't handle cold well.  

So far, I'm doing better this year than last.  I stayed frozen all last Winter.  Not to mention nervous & anxious.  The thyroid pills seem to be working. I'm still anxious, but not as much.  I'm still cold, but not chattering.  It is Winter after all.  I have to get blood work again in a month on the thyroid situation.  It's either where it needs to be or I'll probably get another bump in dosage.

That's it for now.  Stay warm.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

11 & Counting...

There are are only 11 more days left in 2016.  This is the next to last Tuesday.  Christmas is near & then New Years.  

The articles are still pretty barren.  They're some developments with an  8-week injection, but that news is still pending & the medication wouldn't be available for a couple of more years.   Also, Glaxo Smith Kline is still pushing for a 2-drug regimen in a single pill.  This differs from the current accepted 3+ drug regimen.  It could mean less side-effects & lower costs in treating HIV.

That's it for now.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Tired Feet...

We went shopping this morning & I had a lot of walking to do.  My feet are already not happy from all this cold.  The walking got to them faster than I'd expected.  It's not like gout, but they're still sore.  It'll pass, but for now, my feet aren't happy campers.

Not a lot in articles today & my hands are still not liking this cold keyboard.   The holidays are coming up & that may have something to do with the lack of articles.  We're mostly ready for the holidays.  My roomie will be going to see family & we plan on seeing a movie on Christmas.  Between here & there, I plan to do some cooking & just trying to stay warm.

Have a good day & stay warm.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Seriously Cold...

Last night was our 1st seriously cold night.  It got down to 12 F & the windchill made it feel like -6.  There was a slight dusting of pebbly snow mix.  It sin't supposed to get over the freezing mark today.  The water will stay dripping all day & tonight.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer. Right now we're only at 23.  This is making the house chilly & my room pretty cold.  This post won't be long.  I have little interest in touching this frigid keyboard any more than I have to today.  Winter is here.

Take care & stay warm.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Why Not...

Some people are upset with the idea of a dating app allowing users to self-identify as HIV+.  They feel this is serosorting.   The idea decisions will be made upon a persons HIV status.  Guess what, it is.  That's sort of the point.  

Should a + person be discriminated against?  Not for housing, jobs, benefits, etc... But a person should be allowed to make a decision for themselves whether or not to be involved with a + partner.  

The conversation should be had, preferably before sex actually occurs.  Posting your status on Grindr  may deter some parties, but it also may save you from having to deal with that fall out face to face.  Posting your preferences & attributes, possibly including HIV status, simply allows for some difficult situations to be avoided by both parties.  If you can't handle that, then you're probably not mature enough to actually be dating or hooking up.

Personally, the more specific you can get, the better.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Full Circle...

This article talks about a woman's choice to reveal her HIV status,  How so many feel they have to hide theirs even though it's been over 30 years since HIV was 1st diagnosed & we have decades of advancements.  She works with a programs to promote HIV awareness  in Iowa.  Often people ask  her the most basic questions about HIV & tell her they receive no education in their schools on the disease.  She expressed how she felt we'd come full circle & people were again ignorant of HIV.

She's right.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Yes, You Do...

I came a across a brief blip today.  It was a response at a Q&A site.  The resposnse wasn't great, but the question was relevant.  Should a HIV+ person reveal their status to their dentist?  

The answer is absolutely yes, you should tell your dentist & any health care provider your HIV status.  HIV & many other ailments such as cancer, hepatitis, thyroid issues, etc.. can all impact the entirety of your body, not just specific things like your blood or kidneys.   Your oral health, eyesight, hearing, hair/skin, mental wellness can all be affected by such illnesses.  These professionals are trained to look for these things.

I understand telling a new person, any person, your HIV status can be trying, but it's necessary in these cases.  It's for you health & well being.  If you don't feel you can trust this professional enough to confide in them, then you probably shouldn't be seeing them.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016


This article adds to a previous discourse on this blog.  University Of Alabama at Birmingham has become the 4th hospital to perform a HIV+ to HIV+ kidney transplant.  That makes the 8th such operation in the U.S.    I know I've covered this before, but it's still important to discuss this.  It's new & opens so many possibilities for people in need of transplants.   Way to go, UAB.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dirty Laundry...

Apparently some people take Don Henley's song Dirty Laundry way too seriously.  I was raised  not to air mine in public.   Occasionally, I can go on rant here or I can discuss some more personal issues in my life.  But this is my blog about my life & it's relatively small.  

Lately, I've noticed a lot of people telling tales about their personal lives on Facebook & the like & tearing away at everyone around them.    I don't think it's in good taste or decency to trash someone personally on a public forum like Facebook where they can't reasonably defend themselves. Or force them to have to defend themselves in the 1st place.  

This behavior is in seriously bad taste.  Most of us don't want to know your personal business.  You may have vented & feel a little better when you do this kind of thing.  But, you lose a lot of face & credibility.  Be an adult.  Handle things better than a child on the playground.  Do the proverbial rise above or just walk away.   Don't thrash about in the mud.  It's just embarrassing.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Another Grey Day...

The last few days have been overcast.  We actually got a little rain last night.   I'm not a fan of cold weather, but the drear is what I hate.  I keep looking outside for some color.  No cardinals or jays have graced my sight line.  We have had an abundance of robins though.  They're probably laying over on their way to somewhere warmer.  Some squirrels are rushing about.  So far it's mostly drab colors; browns, grays & off oranges.   The biggest source of color I have right now are the red berries on the bushes off the front porch.  

A black & white world would be hell.


Sunday, December 11, 2016


This holiday season is being a bit odd for me.  I'm not irritated with the holidays like I can get,  I just don't feel like it's really the holidays.  I know it is, but, it doesn't seem to be.  Nothings seems right with it all this year. I'm not seeing many decorations or lights.  Some, but not many.  Not even on Facebook.   I haven't got ranted at yet about the war on Christmas.  I'm sure if this is the same for others or if I'm even more detached this year.  It's just sort of weird.


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Only 3 Saturday's Left...

2016 is ticking  down,sands through the hour glass & all that.  I didn't hate 2016, but I certainly didn't love it.  It was a pretty awful Fall & the election was terrible.  I know things could have been worse this year.  I'm not sure the same can be said about the political mess were facing in 2017.  I don't like writing about it.  For 1 thing, too much is an unknown.  Another is, it's just depressing.  I hope people can enjoy the season without these things totally ruining it.

Take care.


Friday, December 9, 2016

Another Dental Clinic...

Just read an article about another dental center possibly exposing 60+ patients to HIV & Hepatitis.   This was due to human error.  Instruments had been cleaned but sterilized before being placed back into rotation.  

What makes this Vermont dentist office different, is they noticed immediately & began notifying people the next day of the possible risks & how/where to get tested.   This clinic accepted the responsibility & promptly began looking into means to prevent another such incident.

A state epidemiologist  stated these patients were at low risk for contracting these viruses in this instance.   For once a dental office quickly took notice of the issue & set about trying to do what they could to correct it.  The mistake should've happened, but at least no one tried to bury it.  This is an excellent example of owning your mistakes.  


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Intentionally Failing...

There are several places around the world that seem to be intentionally failing to in the fight against HIV.  Russia, the Philippines & parts of Africa have made decisions regarding their fight against HIV that have for intents crippled their chances of dealing with HIV.  

Most of these decisions were made as governmental acts of aggression towards people living with HIV, drug users, Gays, etc...  These governments are allowing their hate of these groups to endanger everyone by refusing to allow adequate treatment or prevention in their countries.

Refusing to treat HIV entirely or for any group is putting the entire country at risk for HIV.  Eventually, it could be endangering the entire world.   Where once people were hopeful of seeing HIV curtailed, these countries' animosity is destroying that possibility.

Hate will cost us all the war against HIV.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Just some article briefs for your consideration.   The 1st article, is linking the success of  HIV Treatment to the rise of  drug resistant HIV.    This is much more apparent in areas like Africa, where social stigma, political upheaval & economic instability have led to a lack of HIV resources or these assets being made unfavorable or even illegal.   The article discusses the lack of regimen conformity either due to choice, politics or simply not having access to the medications/facilities. 

The 2nd article,   deals with the currently researched method of fighting HIV known as, shock & kill.   The approach tries to force the virus out of hidden reservoirs in the body.  This approach may kill the virus, but could also prove damaging to the brain.  The  study shows the approach was shown to sometimes lead to swelling in the brain.

This last article doesn't deal with HIV at all.  It deals with a Veterans center where a man died after having maggots found in his wound.  Yes maggots. This is my area of the world.  Four have resigned, but that won't do much good.  The center is in a very rural area & they don't have the resources to attract a permanent doctor.   Because of this, steps that could decrease situations like this from happening weren't taken.  The center is little more than an under staffed, under funded & neglected nursing home for Vets.  Goes to show, not all the crap is aimed at HIV patients.  Just those people, most deem no longer matter.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

More Bills & Such...

We have to go out later & run some errands.  Need to finish up with the monthly bills.  Things fell on weird days, so we're running a little later than usual.  

I didn't see much in the articles today.  Not surprising, they always take a dips during the holidays.  Maybe tomorrow.

That's all for now.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Same Old @#^%...

I posted a few days back about another dentist possibly contaminating patients with HIV & HepC.  This time it was at a VA hospital.  I'm really sick of hearing about how doctors, dentists & staff are routinely being negligent or criminal enough to risk exposing their patients to communicable diseases like HIV, TB, hepatitis, etc.  Even if they are found guilty of the matter, most often little to nothing is done to them.  

What these professionals have done  can be compared to driving recklessly.   Even if no one was harmed in most states this can lead to fines, loss of license &/or imprisonment.   Why should a driving offense be treated less than this type of medical indifference to a patient's well being?  These medical professions should be fined, at least temporarily lose their licenses & possibly face prison sentences.  It's time for these to take their jobs & their patients health seriously.


Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Little Tired...

My roomie & I went out last night.  We had a good time, but truth be told, it left me a little spent.  I woke up late today & it's taking me a while to get around.  It would've been easier if the drive home hadn't been in the cold rain.   As tired as I might be, my roomie will be more so or Monday after her appointment in Tulsa.  Goes to show, this is all relative.  At least I'll be home.  The worse I'll have to do is go to the mail box place.

Yesterday was the 1st time we turned on the heater.  I was nice.  The living room stove is on now.  I'll turn it off in a bit.  They can heat things up rather quickly.  There may not be snow & we haven't hit the Solstice, but Winter is here.

Stay warm & safe.


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Rainy December Saturday...

It's been lightly raining since last night.  It's not much, but hopefully, it'll keep going.   We need a lot of rain to catch up on rain averages.  I doubt that will happen.

We have a get together to go to later.  So this will be short.  With any luck the rain won't get too heavy.  

Have a good day.


Friday, December 2, 2016

1st December Friday...

Not much going on here.  The roomie's out & I'm just waiting for things to warm up a bit before I take a shower.   I've got some other stuff to handle, but not much.  It's just the cats & me for a while.  This will be a busy weekend & then my roomie has an appointment back in Tulsa on Monday.  I can count myself lucky, I'm not driving. 

The light is definitely changing again.  Not for the better.  It's grey & overcast.  I just don't do well in the drear.   Drear is so much worse than outright darkness.  Drear always feels more depressing, imposing & cold.  I was never meant for Winter.

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

World AIDS Day 2016...

Today is World AIDS Day.  Since 1988, this day has been used to promote awareness of AIDS,  The UNAIDS page is here.  This year's motto is "Hands up for #HIVprevention."  Raising awareness of HIV & it's prevention as well as the rights of those living with the illness.  

Today is also the 1st of December  So long November & hello new month.  November was way better than October & I'd like that trend to continue into December.  But really, I'd just like not to have too much bad weather, drama or things that cost us a lot of $.

This is it, 2016 is winding up.  24 days until Christmas & only 30 more left in the year.  If you've got stuff left to do in 2016, you need to get with it.
