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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Recovering & A Word...

OK, we went out last night to a Halloween party.  It was fun, but more stimuli than I'd dealt with in a long time.  There were lights, music, fire, smoke, children, babies, even a dog.  All in all, counting the trip, I lasted about 5.5 hours.   That's about as good as I'm getting on any outing these days.  Even the trip to my doctor in Tulsa usually only lasts about 6.  I'm recovering from the outing well.  I"m not near as exhausted as I am from a trip to Tulsa,  It was good to do something different.  Enough about my night. 

Now more onto topic.  With the rise on PrEP. many people have altered their safe sex practices.  Often people are foregoing condom usage in favor of PrEP.  PrEP is only supposed to aid in the prevention of HIV, nothing else.  Every other STD, STI & pregnancy are real risks with unprotected sex. Since the rise of PrEP & the bareback movement, STD numbers have soared.  Syphilis, an STD that was on the way out, is now a very prominent STD again.   

People,  use a condom. 


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