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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hot Water Please...

OK, the gas thing seriously needs to get fixed.  These cold showers suck.   The 1st time wasn't bad, it was a warm day.  But, the temps dropped last night & this was fairly unpleasant.  We're having to microwave water so we can wash dishes.  Luckily most of the laundry can be done on cold.  It might not get as clean, but it's better than nothing.

Come Monday, I still have to get hold of Social Services to tell about the change in vehicles.  I need to call the plumber & get some idea of what time to expect them.  I hate waiting.  If I were a plumber, I'd have a large enough crew to work 24/7.  There's certainly enough work for it.  

That's all for now.  


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