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Saturday, October 15, 2016


I hate it when people who write about HIV research blow things out of proportion.  I'm not talking about the actual researchers, subjects or even the investors.  I'm talking about journalist who jump the gun or over eager bloggers looking to be edgy.  

We've had several points of interest in HIV research this year.  All of them are important, but none of them are in themselves cures.  Yet, that word, "Cure," is tossed around almost constantly.    Every step in this research is important, even the failures & dead ends.  But touting something as a cure is detrimental to the research & those who might actually believe what these authors write. 

Even if a cure was thought of today, it would be at least a decade before it got through all the funding stages, research, trials & FDA.  Every time some writer promotes some bit of research as the cure, it could wind up hurting the researchers' reputation, it could cost them their positions/funding & it could lead to a lack of investors willing to fund this kind of research.  

False reporting harms morale.  It's nothing but click-bait & glory grabbing.  It helps no one & could harm many.  Don't worry, if a cure is developed, we'll know about it.  It'll be all over the news.  Until then, be content to write about the research as it progresses or stop writing about it altogether. 


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