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Monday, October 3, 2016


It's been all over the web since yesterday.  Apparently, a British man, undergoing a new therapy has  had all traces of HIV removed from his blood.   I'm not citing this because it's basically everywhere, just Google it.  

No, I'm not sounding too excited about this matter.  We've been here before.  We'll likely be here again. Don't get me wrong, a cure would be amazing.  However, it'll be months, possibly years, before they can be certain there's no HIV remaining in this man's body.  HIV won't be an easy win.  

This is a wait & see game now.  I say the odds are against it.   Even if it does work, it could take years for it to get to the average person.  Its efficacy may only be reliable in certain people.  There are tons of questions still to be answered.

So, we wait.


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