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Sunday, October 2, 2016


There've been a few articles out about how Indiana has been reactive to it's health situation concerning HIV & its approach to handling the state's drug problems.   This is a very accurate statement.  Indiana is hardly alone in this matter.  Most states, especially those more rural & Republican, have been doing next to nothing or playing catch up since HIV came on the scene in the 1980's.

If Indiana had been more proactive maybe much of it's problems with HIV & drug addiction could've been prevented.   But that would've required adequate education on the matters of sex, HIV/STD's & addiction.    It would've required the state to have done more to remain more financially solvent.   It would've required the citizens of Indiana to get past their on biases & prejudices to prevent this situation.  

Instead, the state like most, wanted to cut corners & point fingers.  It wanted to outcast & shame.    It choose to dumb down it's people instead of educate them.  Indiana did everything possible to cause the situation they found themselves in to occur.   In that way they were proactive. They made the proverbial bed & now they have to get out of it. 

A very important thing here is to remember, choosing to do nothing is an active choice.   There were choices here at many levels that could've prevented this outbreak.  This didn't just happen.


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