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Sunday, October 30, 2016


Preferences, we have them, especially in who we decide to date or be sexually active.  You may like blondes, outdoorsy types, extroverts or who knows what.   You may hate squeaky voices, body hair or sports fans.  Having a preference does not make you prejudice. 

I constantly see people griping because some people use filters on dating apps.  They filter for masculine, muscular or specific races.  Why shouldn't they?  If they know they aren't interested in being with someone who isn't those things, these filters only save time.  IMO, it's just a convenience.  Those people who cry over it, are pissed off the people they find attractive don't reciprocate those feelings.  Wake up, that's life.  People don't have to find you attractive.  They don't have to date/screw you.   They don't owe you an explanation.

The latest filter is about HIV.  I say let them have it.  Let them use it.  Don't scream at me about there being PReP, TRAP or condoms.   These people don't have to be involved with + people.  Deal with it!  If you're HIV+, then you are, but it doesn't mean anyone else has to deal with you.

People who oppose filters, say they're discriminatory.  I don't like rye bread or blue cheese,  I'm picky as hell on a lot of things.  I don't find religious/overly political folks attractive.  So, yes I am discriminating.   But having preferences, doesn't alone make you prejudice.

Trying to force people to date you, is a social violation & coercion.  It shows how weak & needy you are.  It shows how entitled & aggressive you can be.  You know these people don't want to be near you, but still you're going to force them to deal with you.  Abusive much?

Filters, if you've got'em use'em.  If you don't like people who use filters & preferences, that's your problem.  At least people who use filters are being honest about what they want & what they're looking for.  


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