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Monday, October 31, 2016

New Pharm Steps For HIV...

This article  discusses a new approach in the treatment of multi-drug resistant HIV (MDR-HIV).    Get ready for some links.  It's a biologic medication, called Ibalizumab.  A biologic is a pharmaceutical produced by synthesizing living materials for a medical application.  This particular medication has been in development since the early 2000's.   This antibody was humanized via a mouse.  It binds the CD4, which is affected by HIV.

It's estimated, out of the million + people being treated for HIV in the USA, over 10,000 have MDR-HIV.  This approach may only help a small population at this time, but it's a step.  This drug is administered every 2 weeks intravenously. 

This shows how busy the researchers have been over the last several decades.  Unfortunately, it isn't a quick process.  Even now, it could be years, before this medication is widely available.   That's if everything goes well.  Even if it fails, the research will be invaluable. 


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