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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Another Failure & Another Problem...

Less than a year later, another man on PrEP has contacted HIV.  This man was in New York & his physician has evidence he was taking the medication as prescribed.  It seems the patient encountered a drug resistant strain.  That isn't surprising, those strains are mostly resistant to the medications in PrEP drugs such as Truvada.   Remember this is just the 2nd case reported, not necessarily the 2nd case.  These 2 cases were also of people strongly adhering to their regimens.  What of those that don't?

On to the failure.  The hissing refrigerator mystery is solved.  It was a fine, water leak.  That's fixed, but the compressor isn't.  We had to get a new fridge, there goes a lot of $$$.  It should be getting here soon.  This Fall is so seriously sucking.

I need to wrap this up.


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