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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Last Day & Return...

This  is the last day August, 2016.   It's also the last day  of my year.  Tomorrow is my birthday.  Just yippie.  I don't mind the age thing.  Not like I could do anything about it anyway.  I just don't care for this time of the year.   It's rare for anything good to come of it for me.  The only thing I'm doing now I wasn't last year is taking a thyroid med.  So long August & 49.

On a better note.  The cats were found & brought back in the house.  Now, they're acting weird.   I guess outdoor life does that to you.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bad Morning...

This is a bad morning.  The 2 older cats got out & I only saw 1 of them.  We're just going to have to wait & see if they come back.  I'm having a serious hate-fest for this house.  My roomie suggested I try to find a new place to live.  I would if I could.  Of course this crap is happening near my birthday.  Sometimes I really think that time is damned curse for me.    Like I said a bad morning.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Another Monday & Shopping....

We got back from shopping & it's a little later than I expected it to be.   Walmart can be such a time-suck.  I hate spending any time there, but it's a necessary thing. Lately they've been on a major kick of killing off more products I buy.   Some of them, I can get elsewhere, even if it is a nuisance trip.  Others are just gone.  I have no idea what that store is actually trying to do, but it doesn't seem like they're trying to make $.

Oh well, that's all for now.  Stay safe.


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Not Much...

It's a quiet Sunday here.  Nothing much is going on here or on the net.  August is closing out warmer than it had been & fairly humid.  It could be a lot worse.  I'm a little worn out.  I did quite a bit of morning stuff & it's left me a bit spent.  I was going to do half of it yesterday, but my energies got used up elsewhere due to cat drama.  I thought about putting some of it off until this afternoon, but I figured if I did, it'd never get done.    Oh well, I'm tired, but at least tat stuff is done.


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Last Saturday...

This is the last Saturday of August 2016.  It's also the last 1 for my year.  The following Saturday I'll be a year older.  If you look back at my previous posts on this topic, I'm not a fan of my birthday.  There are a lot of reasons, if you want look at the blog tag, holidays. to the left.  At best, I'm indifferent to the day.  I don't remember the last time I was excited about it.  

There isn't much going on today.  The morning was rough & tiring for me.  Mostly due to cat drama.  1 of the older cats needs kitty Depends.  I just don't want to clean her up afterwards.

I've been really tired & scattered lately.  I wish the cats would take a few morning off from their literal crap.  I'm not a morning person & foul mornings really mess with the rest of my day.

That's it for this last Saturday of August.


Friday, August 26, 2016

Weird Weather & Devil Weed...

We're having some weird weather for August.  We've been vacillating between the mid 80's to low 90's.  When this month is usually in the upper 90's.  We've surpassed our rain totals & we're often lucky to even see a cloud during August.  It's be cooler, but it's been pretty humid as well.

All that humidity has been an issue.  It's making things uncomfortable.  It's causing the grass to grow.   It's also aiding in a late Summer flea war.  

But the worst, for me at least, is the Devil Weed.  Better known to most as Ragweed.  It's a little bit of hell that comes forward every Summer to torture us.  I hate it.  Our little, grey cat looks like someone's punched her in the eyes repeatedly.  I'm having to clean her eyes out daily & she so doesn't love that.  

I'm still shaky about the dentist thing.  Half the people that were at this office over the past several years are gone.  They made the place familiar & easier to handle.  They were calm & homey.  These people may turn out to be nice, but the atmosphere is now a lot more clinically professional.   Maybe, it'll work out.   I just really don't like change in matters like this. I'll get through it.  I may not be happy about it, but I'll make it.

It's Friday, have a good weekend.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Behavior Mod...

There have been a lot of conversations about why certain people act the way they do.  Why are some groups more inclined to risky behaviors, violence or indulgence?  We like to address these matters & expect them to be solved by adults.  Often by adults for other adults.   (Since, I'm a man, I'll deal mostly with male things, as not to offend.)  

Some men are violent, so all men should do something about it.  The problem with that type of behavior modification is simple.  It generally doesn't work.  Unless the person in question chooses to change or is somehow forced to, there's little chance of actually altering their behavior.

There's been a lot written on these matters & usually by people citing social science & psychological research.   I won't call these people social scientists, sociologists or psychologist.  If they were, they'd know that adult behavior modification is usually a losing game.  If this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be a gigantic industry devoted to dieting.  Yes, adults can change their behavior, but it is difficult & will generally fail unless said person genuinely desires to change & is willing to work very hard at it.

Bad behavior is systemic in this society.  Our society indulges, excuses & often encourages it.   If behavior modification is to be successful, it usually has to happen during childhood.  It needs to come from parents & other adults in the child's life; neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc...  Even then, you have to account for peer pressure's ability to alter children's behavior.

If we want to train people out of risky, indulgent, unpleasant or even violent behaviors, we have to start with children.  Adults will only change  due to their choice or under duress.  If behavior modification were easy, then any one would be able to simply put down their cigarettes and walk away.  They'd be able to stop their addictive behaviors.  They'd be able to prevent their own self destructive tendencies.  

Education is the key here.  We have to start early & be on the same page.  The problem is, we'll probably never share the same perspective.   We'll keep saying boys will be boys.  Guys are just going to screw around.  Men can't take care of children.  These are some of the things that impact what adults think acceptable behavior should be.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Shortages & Short...

Numerous articles have detailed efforts to fight HIV have been impacted by shortages in testing.  This includes everything from the tests themselves to labs & technicians.   There simply are not enough resources available for testing for the WHO to meet it's 2020 goals.  This is due to the lack of funds.  There aren't enough monies to buy tests, pay/train techs or provide labs.

On to old news.  Yesterday's excursion went fairly successful, but very exhausting.  I was out & active far more than I'm used to & I was worn out.  I'm still tired today.  I just can't do that much any more. The new dentist situation is still under debate.  We're having issues with a ceiling fan light.  Cats are having issues.  My stress levels are beyond what I can deal with for the moment.  Hopefully, this will pass soon.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Rushed Morning...

Doing this early, I've got things to do today.  I have to call for another round with my pharmacy.  Go figure, CVS screwed up my order again.  I really wish they'd just call me when they know there's something off with my order, so I could have a chance to fix before it got to me.  This means half my order will be a few days late.  Jerks.  I also have an appointment with my dental hygienist for a cleaning.  I'm dreading this a little bit because all the changes that've been made in my dentist office.  Hopefully, there won't be any more.  I'm not sure how I'll feel about that or what my options will be.  
Have a good day.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Announcing Status...

I don't usually push shows or podcasts, but my roomie is a fan of Welcome To Night Vale.   That link is to it's Wiki page.  It gives some show info & a link to the official page.   Cecil Baldwin is the main voice of the show.  He's on Facebook & Twitter if you'd like to follow him.   This article details why I'm bringing this up.    You can also find this on Seriously TV's Facebook page.   As well as Youtube.  
The article & video go into why Cecil has come forward with his HIV status.  He shares some of his experiences & his reasoning.  While most people praised his coming forward, a few had to be asshats & accuse him of celebrating HIV.  A ridiculous statement, most likely made by bitter people needing attention.

Coming forward with your status is never easy or necessarily safe.  There are places in this world where this man will no longer be allowed.  There are many who will no longer listen to his show.  Some will see this is a PR stunt, but he took some risk announcing this. 

I'm glad Mr. Baldwin came forward.  Ir will help others.  It might even help him. But, everyone needs to remember, he didn't owe anyone a coming out about his status.  Still, it does push awareness & that is always a good thing when dealing with HIV.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

HIV Isn't History...

This article details a pitfall in the fight against HIV.   Some people think due to the advances made in the war on AIDS, HIV has been relegated to the past.  It's done, we've beat it.  NO! We haven't.

The annual Colorado AIDS Walks is on the verge of ending due to lack of donations.  These funds go to help those living with HIV in the state.  In 1996 the walk raised 1.7 million.  As of this Saturday, the 2016 walk has raised $120,000.   That's just 7% of the earlier monies.  

This is 1 of the oldest AIDS walks & it seems destined to end this year.  Maybe they'll hold out just to round it off at 30, but tradition can only take you so far.   This event is going to end due to people's illusion HIV has been beaten.  This is why education on the matter is so crucial.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

More Stupidity...

Occasionally, I hear how much better it is today for those living with HIV, especially if they're Gay.   In some ways that's correct, but not always.  The stigma surrounding being Gay & being + are phenomenal.  I think a lot of backlash has come from the recent political pushes made by the Gay community & a lot of flack is aimed at us due to this alleged association with trans-folks. 

This article is yet another detailing the stigma of being HIV +.  This piece is about China, but it's really not all that different than other places.  + people are targets of active discrimination & illegal/unethical behaviors.  

Never let them convince you prejudice, stigma & hate are gone.  They may be more carefully concealed, but they're still there lurking.  


Friday, August 19, 2016


According to this article, Australia has announced it won't subsidize Truvada or PrEP.  The reasoning was simple, cost.  Gilead will be able to reapply, but it'll need to drastically altering its pricing for the drug to be considered.   

Good for Australia.  Why pay for the med when these people could just use condoms?   So many people have jumped on the PrEP train & drank the kool-aid.


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Busy Morning...

I've got a bit to do this morning, then I have to head over to Fort Smith.  It's raining & I don't want to be in a rush all day, so this won't be much of a post.  I forgot to mention yesterday, I seemingly have my pharmacy issues settled.  I guess we'll see when the meds actually arrive.  

Take care & have a good day.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Repeat Topics...

Too often I see articles discussing stigma.  I saw 2 today.  They told how stigma is killing people or at least limiting their chances for survival.   Those that slander people with HIV, those "good" people, where's their charity, compassion, understanding?  Hell, most of us would just settle for their indifference as long as they kept their mouths shut.

It's so funny how many of those "good" people eventually find themselves on the other side of the fence & look for someone to blame.  They only topped, so they aren't gay.  He only slept with women when he cheated, so it couldn't have been him that infected his wife.  She only shared drugs with her friends, she's sure they're safe.

These "good" people with their precious morals push everything down.  They attack what they disagree with.  They make it very difficult & sometimes impossible for people to come forward with whatever happens to being going on with them.

People living with HIV get judged constantly.  Their families, friends, employers, colleagues, neighbors all have to have their bit to add to the pile.   Sometimes it just isn't worth it to come forward.  Sometimes it's just too much.    Stigma & these people are just as deadly as any virus.

My wish to all  you "good" people is that what you deride most come galumphing into your life.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Pharm Issues...

Tried to do a meds refill today, but somewhere along the way there was a glitch.  Seems like there's always an issue of some kind.  They were supposed to up the dosage on 1 of my meds & they didn't.  I called the doctor's office for a resend.  I'll try back tomorrow.   

CVS, you wear me out.


Monday, August 15, 2016

Failure In Success & Other Issues...

I've talked about this before.  A while back, before the major recessions & economic depressions hit the world, there was a plan.  A  plan on how to stop transmission of HIV by 2030.  It was a lofty goal,  most likely a pipe-dream, but still it was a plan.  No one else seemed to be offering up anything. 

It was going well until  2 things.  The economy plunged & took a lot of donor government monies with it.  But mostly, the plan seemed to be working.  People were getting a grip on HIV & the virus' transmission. 

The problem there was people began to think they'd won & stopped trying as much to push the fight forward.  The donors began to think that the HIV fight didn't need the money as much as some other things did.  Due to the apparent success in dealing with HIV, people moved on to new windmills to tilt at.

Due to these 2 issues, the fight to stop transmissions by 2030 isn't even a pipe dream now.  The battle against HIV has been losing billions of dollars annually for years.  The hemorrhaging of funds has gutted the potential for this fight.

Now instead of refocusing those funds into things like education, prevention & testing, they're getting spent on things like PReP.   Unless people get their heads back in the game, this is a lost cause.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

August Sunday...

It's strange but today is a little cool.  We're in the 70's & aren't supposed to get out of them today.  It rained quite a bit the last 2 days & the temps took a dive.  It won't last forever, but it seems to have driven out the extreme heat of Summer, hopefully for the duration.  The remaining August forecast  doesn't even show any 90's.  I bet they show up, but for now, Yay!

I thought this was going to be a normal Oklahoma Summer, dry.  That didn't happen.   It's been drier than the last couple of  Summer's but by no means dry.   There's still green grass & bugs out there.  Still, this weather is easier to sleep in & less taxing on the AC.

Hope you're getting a nice weekend.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Meth, Texas & HIV...

In the early 21st century Texas was an epicenter for meth.  Easy access to cold medicines made for easy production.    A decade ago they inhibited the sells of such meds & meth usage dropped.  

Recently officials have been focused on deaths & STD transmissions due to heroin & prescription drug use.   Few have focused on the resurgence of meth in Texas.   This article discusses this matter.  

When they made laws to inhibit cold medicine sales, people turned to heroin & prescriptions.   That led to a rise of HIV in rural areas.   When they finally started focusing on prescriptions, people turned more to heroin.  Then the officials started looking at that drug. Still, they failed to notice the new version of meth that was more potent & addictive.  Meth usage, like other drugs, can lead to other risky behaviors.   The rise of HIV shouldn't be surprising.    

Chasing these drugs is a stupid approach.  Drug usage is just a symptom of  other problems.  Until these issues are tackled, the best the officials can do in their war on drugs is stay 2 steps behind.  We have to accept that treating symptoms will never solve anything.

Next they'll figure out how to deal with this new meth.  By then, there will be a street version of some prescription pain killer or a new opiate.  Then the chase will be on again, with no one winning except those profiting off of this mess.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Hot Friday...

Yesterday was pretty awful.  It was nearly a 100 F & 113 with the heat index.   That sucked having humidity that high while being that hot.   Today looks to be about the same.  According to the forecast, this seems to be the last really hot day.  After this, we'll be mostly in the upper 80's.  We might even seem a few 70's in the upcoming week.  Yay!

I had to check in with my doctor's office today.  My pharmacist called & I figured it was for a refill.  I hadn't heard back about the last labs at my doctor's.  I got the results.  It seems my thyroid is doing better, but still a little off.  He thinks another notch up should do it.   They'll send in the new dosage today.  

I called the pharmacy back & it wasn't even about a refill.  They couldn't seem to find my method of payment credit card on file.  I made them send me to billing & it turns they had all the info, so screw customer service.  CVS can seriously suck.

Past that, I'm staying inside & trying to stay cool.  


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Too Hot...

We had to go shopping this morning.  By the time, I got out of the store it was well into the 90's.  We're supposed to hit 100 again.  It sucks that the humidity is still lingering.  It's been 85%+ every night for the last several weeks.  That gets very tiring.

I knew we couldn't deal with the heat after shopping.  So the AC went on early.  I feel terrible for all those people out there in my area with no AC.  It never surprises me to hear how badly people fare in this weather. 

My goal today is to stay cool & dry.  Hopefully, I can do that much.  I need to start feeling better.

Stay comfortable & safe.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Yucky Trash Day...

I'm not faring well this week.  We've had some serious heat & then a cooler, yet very humid day.  It rained just enough to make it steamy.  I'm not handling this at all.  I figured we'd have the AC on today, but not this early.  

We took out trash.  I wasn't feeling that great as it was.  But hauling trash to the curb in this humidity was awful.  It's supposed to be only 92 F, but feel like 102.  I'm glad lunch just has to be reheated,   I don't think I could cook much at this moment.

Sorry for all the short posts.  The weather is just getting to me a lot lately.  


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Another August Tuesday...

It's another Tuesday & nothing much is happening.  It's heating up again.  The AC may come on in a bit.  It's more humid than it is hot.  That sucks.   I really don't have much to post about today & I'm fairly blahed out due to the weather. 

I hope people are staying comfortable & safe.   Take care. 


Monday, August 8, 2016

Politics BS...

I try to avoid political conversations in this blog.  However, if you're in the USA & you're + or know someone living with HIV, then it'd do you good to remember Republican's track record when dealing gays & HIV.  Those at the top have rarely if ever supported our cause.  Those at the top have never given us anything but grief.

It was the Republicans that delayed & dismissed the initial work concerning HIV way back in the Reagan era.   Not much has changed.  They've obliterated Sex-Ed, clung to their ridiculous abstinence policies & shoved their religion into every nook & cranny of medicine & personal rights they could.  

This Repub VP candidate is no better, actually he's worse.  He's the governor of Indiana, home to 1 of the worst, rural HIV outbreaks.  Even though this event had little to do with gays, it still dealt with another group conservatives hate, addicts.   He let the problem blaze for months, before getting over himself & allowing a needle exchange.

There is no reason to ever believe Republicans or conservatives will ever truly help with HIV or those living with it.  That's it.  Nothing more to say.   A republican vote is a vote against those living with HIV & fighting this virus.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Some Better...

Feeling a little better today.  Yesterday didn't get as hot as the day before & I got better sleep last  night.  We had to go shopping this morning.  Our schedule is going through some adjustments.

Nothing much in article land today.  I'll check again tomorrow.  We're barely into August & there's a lot more hot, hot, hot to come.  No fun for me.  Oh well, it'll be too cool soon enough.


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Really Off...

Yesterday was the hottest we've gotten.  According to,   we got up to 107 with a heat index into the 110's.  Other weather sites had us about 5 degrees lower with a much higher humidity level.  Either way it sucked.  

I made it through the day.  We had some errands & such over in Fort Smith.  But, now I feel like crap.  I was tired when we got back, but I'm still exhausted & spent.  No spoons for much today.

Sorry for another short post, but this is all I can do today & it's only 8:30 in the morning.  Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.  I hate that my health & meds collide with the heat.  Summer used to be my favorite season.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Icky Sticky...

Last night was the 1st really yucky night of Summer for me.  It was incredibly wet.  Even with the fans I was sticky.  I hate being wet in the Summer.  Unless, of course it's in a pool.  

I've got a bit to do today, so this will be short.  I hope wherever you are, you're comfortable.  So far, August isn't being pleasant.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Continuance, Bad Advice & August...

Continuing my discussion over the effect of the PrEP trial in the UK, this article goes into further detail the medical procedures & drugs that will be cut or put on hold so people can screw without  condoms.  Selfish shits.

This article  details how a health worker told a patient to abandon her HIV meds in favor of herbal treatments.   The Swiss court fined the man, but he should've been imprisoned for risking a patient's health.  Sorry, but no amount of lavender is going to treat HIV.

Finally, "Hello August."  I known it's the 4th but we've been busy.  Most of the household bills are caught up.   The trash was taken out & the AC turned on early again.  Thanks August for being so damned hot.  I've seen enough of past the century mark temps.   Do try to cool down a bit.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

PrEP'er Hate...

A bunch of entitled British asshats pitched a fit when the UK's NHS wouldn't pay for PrEP.   Instead just using condoms, which BTW also protect against a host of other illnesses, they took the health service to court.  Unfortunately, they won & NHS might have to pay for the drug,  Good news for Gilead, not so great for others.

These spoiled cretins never considered that maybe the NHS wasn't making a judgement call on their lifestyles, as much as the service just doesn't have the funds.    This article detail more of the response & NHS's plans to appeal.

In order for these people to avoid using condoms & get their precious PrEP, other things will have to be cut.  Other services for people who actually need them now, more meds for those dependent on them will have to limited.  All so these people can have the convenience of not using a condom.  

I hope they all contract every other STD there is.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Preventative AC..

The AC went on a tad bit early today.  The lawn guy is coming by later & I really don't feel  up to dealing with the miserable heat & allergen laden grass mowing.   My allergies haven't been horrible lately, but they haven't been great either.  No sense in irritating the situation.   Don't get me wrong it's hot, well into the mid 90's but we were doing alright with the fans.  Not pleasant, but doable.

The only thing I'm really noticing in the articles is more BS about Truvada/PReP.   I've talked enough about that for a while.   I'll wrap this up for now.  

Take care.


Monday, August 1, 2016

Rural Virus Explosion...

I've posted about the problems with HIV in rural USA.  This article is just 1 of those I've been seeing lately reiterating the imminent  risk of a massive uptick in HIV in rural areas across the nation.  The reasons are usually the same.

The CDC determined a county’s vulnerability with a sobering recipe: high rates of drug overdose deaths and prescription opioid sales, a high white population, astounding rates of hepatitis C and searing poverty.

The CDC has noted at least 220 counties are at considerable risk of rapid expansion of HIV infections.   Combine the factors above with easily accessible street drugs, lack of needle share programs & little to help addicts & it isn't if a massive surge in HIV numbers will occur, but when.

Not only are these areas exceeding hard hit economically.  But they have a tendency to be the most conservative.  Thus lacking many of the social programs that might have aided them like; AIDS awareness, Sex Ed, HIV testing areas, needle exchanges, etc...   Also, until now, most monies being spent on prevention, education, testing & treatment have been focused on urban areas.  Leaving the rural zones mostly unattended.


PS:  Until next year July, you got hot.