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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Who Am I...

For a long time people have struggled with the meaning of life & who they really are.  We are constantly growing & changing.  Who we are is an evolving thing.  It isn't stagnant or at least it probably shouldn't be.   With every new experience, decision, interaction we alter & so does the path out lives will take.
  • I live in rural Oklahoma
  • I'm gay
  • I'm HIV +
  • I have a roommate
Those are just things that describe my life.  They aren't who I am.  So many people these days are  so into personal identity politics, I don't think they even know who or what they are.  They spout:
  • I'm a political this or that
  • I support this or that
  • I hate this or that
  • You should(n't) be doing this or that
I hear a lot of dogma & rhetoric but little else.  They've replaced being a person with being a billboard for ideological agendas.   I have little interest in your ideology.  But, I might find you fascinating.  I guess we;ll never know if  you keep up with this Depeche Modish policy of truth quest of yours.


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