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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Less Humid...

This morning was the 1st time in quite a bit I wasn't stiff & sore.  My eyes weren't sticky & my sinuses weren't bad.   This was the 1st time in over a week, it wasn't already high temps &  humidity.  It's getting hot.  We'll be in the upper 90's F, but without the humidity it's not nearly as awful.  A dry 95 is far better than a muggy 87.  The AC will come on, but not as early.  I don't feel like I'm melting like I have for the last several days.  

The Summer can do a lot to mess you up, even if you don't have a chronic illness.  If you have something like HIV & are on meds, it can be a lot worse for you.   Stay as cool as you can & stay hydrated.  I know I say this every Summer, but it's important.

Stay safe.


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