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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Transient Transmission....

Occasionally, I come across an article dealing with something I feel is understated in the study of HIV, transients.   For whatever reason a lot of people move through areas.  Some just from A to B.  Others keep moving.  From snowbirds, the homeless, migrant workers, entertainers, sports players,t ruck drivers, tourists & the like, there are 1,000's of people moving in & out of  areas daily.  

These people could be from anywhere.  They could be there for any reason.  A lot will do drugs & have sex.   They are a prime means of dispersal of many things, including HIV.  These people are the ultimate of fringe types, at least for a little while,  While they may be perfectly, boringly normal in their home residence, on the road or vacation, who knows.

A trucker or air plane worker could be in a dozens different place in a  month.  They could traverse 10's of 1,000's miles weekly.  They could be having sex in every single stop.   That could be a dozen or more a month.

This makes transients more potentially dangerous than a known drug user or a someone having MM sex without a condom.  Basically, we should consider everyone a potential HIV carrier.  Be as safe as possible.  Use a condom.


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