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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

TasP & Other Problems...

I've never been a proponent of treatment as prevention (TasP) to fighting HIV.   This article about South Africa shows the deficiencies of  TasP.    It showed even in places where half the infected were being treated, the transmissions failed to decline.   How much of the population has to be treated before there's serious impact on transmission?   Because treating 100% is a pipe dream.

We've heard all sorts of things about condoms.  Putin's Russia is blaming them for the spread of the virus.  Just ludicrous.  We've seen before how police officers  use the presence of condoms as evidence against sex workers.  This article tells how this is the now the case in China.    Now, the sex workers are less apt to use condoms so they can more easily avoid arrest.  Way to go cops, you're now a vector in the spread of HIV.

The medical world praised TasP & PReP, but they're not the silver bullet.  There is no panacea for HIV.   Treatment must be accompanied by education, information, prevention, testing, condom usage & any other reasonable tool we can develop.   Sticking our head in the sand with Tasp & PReP won't work.  These 2 options are preferred because they make pharmaceutical companies billions & they're easier.  Cheap & easy has failed.  You're looking to fight HIV, not a quick hook-up off of Grindr.   

If you want results, do the work.


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