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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Closed Doors...

People who've never been through trauma, no matter the kind, can't understand you aren't & can never be again the person you were before the event.  It's impossible.  You changed, you were altered by in a way that is irrevocable. 

War, illness, accident, fire, abandonment, crime, injury etc... These events shove you from the place you were into somewhere new & then slam the door behind you.  If you're lucky, a new door opens.  

Sometimes, like with finding out you're HIV +, outside that door lies uncertainty, fear, hate, stigma. impossible odds...  Sometimes there is a door, but you have to break it down.  Others, there is no door at all & you have make your own.  

Going from HIV - to +, becoming a victim of crime, being forced to fire a weapon at someone, losing your ability to have children, see, hear, etc... these things all permanently alter you.  The events can't be undone.  The marks are indelible.

If a door closes in your life.   Try to stop for a while.  Try to breathe.  It won't be easy.  You need to go through the next door, but maybe not right this moment.  Hell,  maybe not even this year or the next. 


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