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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Trash Day Again...

I'm getting a little new-agey & metaphysical.  As usual on Wednesdays we took the trash to the curb.  It's no longer in our house.  It can no longer impact our house with its heat, stench & other attributes.  I wish  a lot of people could do this with their lives.

We live in a time when a lot of people are angry.  They aren't just mad, though they're hateful & aiming all their negativity at others.  There's hate abounding for every group you can imagine.  No matter what you are, some group despises you.   And, they're not happy doing this in the sanctity of their own homes, no.

These people are spewing their vile, noxious rhetoric & actions anywhere & everywhere they can.   They rant online.  They protest at everything.  They declare their hate, the injustices suffered, their disgust of those who oppose them or are just indifferent.  

Why can't they just take they're trash to the curb?  Why can't they focus on those things in their lives, not everyone else's & deal with their personal garbage & stop forcing others to?  

These people seem to thrive on hate & anger.  It's like they might not exist without all their negativity.  They seem scared that if they let go of all this, there might not be anything of them left. They fear if they don't have those things they target, they'll have to deal with their our lives & their personal issues.

You have every right to alter you, your life & your perspective.  But that's it.   You have no right to force yourself, your thoughts, your ideologies onto others.  

Just take your trash to the curb & I'll take mine.


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