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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Another Rainy Day In July...

Nothing much going on here.  It's nice we're having another rainy day this month.  This may put us up to early a third of the expected rainfall for July.  It's helping cool things down a bit. 

Maybe it's the heat or something else, but a lot of people are in exceptionally snappy moods lately.  Several posts I read everyday are fairly biting.  More so than usual.  There's a lot of sneaky barbs flying.    I think most people would avoid those others if at all possible.  Sometimes that just isn't an option.

The back porch seems to have become the killing ground for unwanted sparrow chicks.    I found another from the nest above the porch.  That makes 5.  I have no idea why they keep dying or why they keep landing on the porch.  Maybe their parent's are kicking them out.  I'd like it if there weren't any more dead little birds on the porch.

Hope your day is going better.


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