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Saturday, July 23, 2016

HIV & Violence...

I've posted a lot about marginalization & higher risks of contracting HIV.  There's little more disenfranchising than being an abused women in a society that cares little for anyone not fortunate enough to be born male.  I've read numerous articles over the years about how women in places we deem lesser are constantly targeted by violent men, often their husbands.    They are beaten, abused & raped.  They have no control or autonomy.  These savages wage physical & emotional war on these women & then to add insult to injury they infect them with a myriad of diseases, including HIV.

You might think I'm talking about Africa, India or even some Southeast Asian country.   Technically, I was reacting to an article about Africa where over a 1,000 women are infected daily with HIV.  But, it's anywhere women are treated as lesser.  It's anywhere violence against women occurs without serious penalty.  It's everywhere these brutal men are allowed to continue breathing after their 1st act of aggression. Because, hey, it was a only a woman, not even a woman, just a girl.

The only way this will ever stop in these places is simple, scarily so.  The only way to stop the nightmare these women endure is to end the lives of those who would bring harm to them & theirs.   Is that awful to say?  Maybe, but ti's true.


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