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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Not Good...

I've been reading up on something I heard about.  There's a surge in heroin use in my area.  There've been some major busts in Tulsa & Little Rock.    I-40 runs through both,  it's always been a drug corridor.  Why's this happening?

  • There's been a crack down on prescription drug misuse/abuse
  • Oklahoma refuses to legalize marijuana
  • Oklahoma's economy sucks
  • There's no sign of any improvement in the foreseeable future
  • Oklahoma republicans are lunatic asshats who support privatized prisons
  • Religious folks would rather punish you than help you
What's the probable outcome?

  • A lot of people becoming heroin addicts
  • A lot of people dying from from overdosing
  • A lot of people going to prison
  • A lot of families destroyed
  • A huge uptick in STD"s, HIV & hepatitis
Way to go Oklahoma politicians. You've succeeded into turning our state into a cesspool that's being compared to 3rd world countries due to our economy, prisons & radicalized religious freaks.  You've led us straight into a pretty much avoidable hell.   Congratulations on your colossal failure.


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