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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On The Rise...

I'm posting early today so no day drama can impact what I blog about.  Yes, yesterday sucked.  Hopefully, today will be more agreeable.   Now on to the matter.

This article from The Guardian, states that after years of the HIV transmission rates plateauing or falling, that period is over.  Yes, we are no longer declining or even holding our ground against HIV.  The UN estimates  there have been nearly 2 million  infected per year for the last 5.  So, about 10 million people were infected after we allegedly had this virus on the ropes.  Oh, BTW, those our just the people who were tested.  Who knows how many more are actually out there.

A host of things could be to blame;  stigma, isolation, poor education, lax communication, etc... But, as usual, the culprit seems to be something far more predictable, $.   The money issue to multi-sided.  As HIV as allegedly being conquered & less people were dying, interest waned & so did funding.  As the world's economy & safety continue to decline, things like testing & regimens aren't always high the less of necessities for those  caught in bad situations.   There's also the rise of the hyper conservative lunatic.  Many of whom seem to think even mentioning the acronym HIV is akin to promoting promiscuity, drug use & homosexuality.

Money got the fight against HIV & AIDS where it was & the lack of it is getting the battle where it is now.  We're losing.   Mainly because of greedy, insane zealots (pick your flavor).  As it stands, HIV is here & going nowhere soon.   Most likely it will at least out last this generation.  Thanks a lot all ideologues.


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