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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Yet Again...

This article tells of how yet another hospital has become a potential exposure site for HIV & hepatitis.   This time in New Jersey.  It was different drug, but due to another substance abuser messing with meds & needles.  The span of possible exposure is about 15 months in 2013 - 14.  They didn't report possible numbers.   The hospital is urging testing.  Urging?  The health department should be demanding.

I keep hearing about this & it comes down to not caring, not wanting to spend resources or some addict after drugs. Or indulgence, indifference & greed.   How long before we really prosecute these people & these medical establishments for endangering their patients lives?    Who's going to pay for this.  Who will pay for these patients care if they contract HIV?  The costs for this are over $30,000 US annually just the meds, not counting all the doctor visits, labs & other secondary expenses.  

Some people will say if a patient contracts HIV like, that their lives aren't over.  True, they probably won't die, but the lives they had are most definitely impacted & over as they knew them.  Now they have to live with HIV & all that details, including the health issues, costs, stigma, etc...  People who contaminate others purposely or with reckless disregard should be shot.


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